BoJack Horseman - Season 5 Episode 2 ending

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BoJack Horseman season 5 episode 2

BoJack Horseman The dog days are over(s05e02)
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The first stomach punch of this season. I felt every word of it.


The worst part of trying to go back is realizing that you can never go back.


I love how PB left Diane, a Vietnamese American, for Pickles, a character voiced by an actual Vietnamese American actress (Hong Chau), and Bojack said meta-jokes were bad XDDD


I Almost cried when she said the thing about him putting his hand on her back :/


This scene has me bawling my eyes out.. it really captures the grief you feel after separating from someone you love


I love how only BoJack knows what Diane's costume is supposed to mean.


"You learn that you can survive being alone" pretty much sums up the past 6 years of my life.


Diane's character arc in Season 5 was SO damn good and fleshed out compared to what Season 4 did with her characterization.Not knocking Season 4 btw for how it handled Diane's growth there because I did still enjoy her development in its own right.However I felt Season 5 gave me new found bigger respect/relatability for what Diane's character went through here this time around with getting big emotional gut punches thrown at her.

This scene here is just the tip of the ice berg of why I loved Diane's character growth here in Season 5.She goes through a lot of emotional struggling and reality checks but tries her damnedest to not let it destroy herself any further.Granted she does still fuck up naturally as any character does in this series but nowhere near what Bojack ends up doing during this new arc...


This is the only series where "Im really happy for you Mister Peanutbutter" actually works as an emotionally charged statement


Diane went through so much shit this season, it’s actually so devastating.


I legit had tears streaming down my face at this. This show is so adept at developing these scenes that can really resonate with you.


Diane, you were the third marriage, Mr.peanutbutter is not good at marriage


I always felt related to Bojack but this season made me feel related to Diane tbh


It hit way too close to home with this ending. I felt the exact same feeling when I decided to travel miles away from my town just to be alone for a few hours to do some fun things. I never felt more empty in my life. And it made me feel that I can handle it. And this episode really helped me realize that.


Diane really came into her own this season as a character.


I have to just say this. I like Diana. She is a realist. Yes she can be very negative and depressing, but she tries to be real at least. Mr.Peanutbutter wanted good without the bad. Such a thing does not exist in this world, and that is why he fails. Diana isn't innocent at all of anything. However, all she asked for was peace. And he didn't want peace. He doesn't want anything complicated. Like with a baby. He just wants whatever he can get his hands on and pour his worthlessness into it. After everything that happened with him, I can say, Diana should be with Bojack if anything. I feel like they resonate with one another so well. And I just hope things turn around for Diana. Her childhood sucked with her stupid family. She struggles through life hoping for something she isn't even sure of. A lot of us can connect with such a person, as she truly feels human. As she faces the one fact we all should, none of us are perfect. But that doesn't stop us for trying to be better then what we are. Even if it can be a futile effort at times.


Sometimes people are shittier and hate more Diane than any other character, even when Bojack can be so much worse and destructive or hurtful towards other people and himself. In this scene you feel for her, her pain and her struggle. No matter who decided to end the relationship, she still loved him and fought with her biggest flaws and fears to make it work, but sometimes it isn't enough. It always hurts when your former partner moves on, especially so quickly as Mister Peanutbutter did, because he doesn't know how to be alone, something Diane learned how to do all through this season. That was very brave and she was there for Bojack, even after everything he did and all the conflicts between them, because she actually cares for him. She was one of the most selfless and nicest characters this season, despite of all the mistakes she made in the past. She also had a hard childhood and her family made her feel worthless and see everything in a negative light. Mr. Peanutbutter was the real ass this season, incapable of taking responsability of his own mistakes and flaws, cheating on his girlfriend and asking her to marry him out of guilt and as a mean to avoid conflict, he needs to grow up, as much as Bojack, Diane and many other characters in this show. Diane is feeling what every normal human being would feel in a situation like this and that is why is so realistic and it just breaks your heart.


Literally cried on this part thinking what if I was in that situation smh


Anyone else feel that Diane and the other supporting characters are going through exactly what Bojack had went through from Season 1 to Season 4?


Diane, you’re right. You will be okay. Divorce is never easy even when you’re the one that instigated it. But you know how to survive on your own. You know how to be alone and still be okay. And though the separation feels awful right know I know you’ll overcome it. Mr. Peanutbutter has a long way to go before he’ll be okay, but that’s something he’ll also have to learn on his own.
