Riverfolk Company - How to Play - Root

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It's time to talk about our favourite semi-aquatic salesmen: The Riverfolk Company! Commerce is the name of the game for this faction. You'll be selling wares, warriors and watercraft to your opponents but make sure you're not giving too much or a bargain or your faithful customers will surely outpace your economic growth.

If you want to show your support with a small recurring or one-time donation:

0:00 Intro
0:34 Components
1:32 Selling services
2:06 Taking Actions
5:00 Public Hand
5:54 Setup
10:23 Buying a service
12:17 Protectionism
13:25 Gather Funds
13:42 Swimmers
14:38 Drawing cards
14:54 Crafting preview
15:16 Establish Trade Post (with Garrison)
16:55 Crafting
17:48 Export
19:48 Evenings - Set Service Costs
20:45 Number of purchases
21:25 Mercenaries Service
22:47 Battling with Mercenaries
26:55 Recruit
28:45 Setting up a Dividends play
29:34 Trade Post Removal - Trade Disruption
31:19 Vagabond purchasing
33:51 Riverboats Service
34:36 Good crafts
36:44 Stealing from the Riverfolk
37:23 Wrap up
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I’ve only ever played as the Riverfolk on digital. No one in my group has played as them IRL either.

Thinking I’ll do so soon because the discussion and influence of selling cards and services IRL is much different than trying to do so on the app.

‘Oh buddy, look, you could seriously use some warriors down there.’

‘Looks like you may turmoil next turn, I’ve got just the bird card you’re looking for’

Let me sell you my kidney, damnit. I’ll do it. I’ll sell my own mother if I have to. Buy my services!


I’m surprised you didn’t mention that you can spend your own otter funds to place a trade post in a clearing you rule. Don’t always have to spend opposing factions warriors to place a TP.


The otters are a bittersweet love. I love the design, the idea behind the mechanics, the level of interaction with the other players. On the other hand, you are far too dependent on the other players and their resources. The other players can simply stop buying to prevent the Otters from winning, which is hard enough because of their rather passive play style. But I like to play them in rounds with beginners because they are so supportive and you can explain the functions of the cards to them when you sell them.


I appreciate you covering older stuff since I got into this game a couple weeks ago.


I love your vids and style. I would love to see your faction guide for each of the base factions as well, just because the explanation would be so helpful for teaching the game to new people. Like me!


Was waiting for this! So excited to watch


these dudes are OP. won my first game playing with them.


Thanks for the guide as always! I didnt have the Riverfolk expansion but im now tempting to buy it and play as Rivefolks!


only ever win once with riverfolk, its kinda weird to play for me ( along with corvid ) >.<, thanks for the guide :3 might have better chance in the future!


Congratulations for the tutorial! There's only one thing that isn't clear to me about the crafting part ( 16:57 ) : once all the spots available on my board have been exhausted, I can't produce anymore? Or, instead, after placing a warrior on a free spot, does that continue to count me as a permanent production unit? If the first option is true then I find the production capacity of the riverfork really limited.


about the little tidbit about the keep in the beginning - is that really true for setup also? I mean sure, it makes sense because you are technically placing something inside, but what happens if the otters set up first and then the marquise? The clearing isn't a homeland so the cat player could still setup their keep homeland right there effectively also resulting in a clearing with keep and otters, but the order was different of course.


WHEN YOU SAID THE THING AR 32:43 I GOT A ADD THAT SAID “their legally robbing you”


Hello, I have some questions:
can Woodland Alliance use riverboat service to spread sympathy?
can woodland Alliance use mercenary during evening military operation to move and organize?


When building a Trading Post for foreign wars, can I create it if I do not have my own warriors in stock to place guards? Or can I still only put a TP token, but without a war?


Here is my second try to practice my english, thanks for answer my question about corvids.

Lets see... in the back of the faction riverfolk

The more trade posts in clearings of the same suit, the more points you score." This doesn't seem to be the case on the front of the board, since each trade post is worth the same number of points(+2).

In my opinion this faction should have been buffed along with corvids, lizards and marquese... What do you think before sooo many games in compettitive mode?


Can the otters still be powerful if no one trades with them the whole game? I've had the most trouble with this really, no one trades with me because they don't want to give to my engine.


So if the whole table ignores them, never use their services, they are in trouble having just two actions per turn?


If there were 2 cat warriors and 2 otter warriors in a clearing and the cats purchased mercenaries, then battled and rolled 3-3 (assuming against 4 birds in the clearing), is the order of removal of pieces always cat-otter-cat, or can it be otter-cat-otter?


I do have a question. MAY I hire Riverfolck Company mercenaries to build something far away from my pieces?. For example, if i am the Earies and river folck start on the opossite edge of the board, my i buy their starter warriors to buid a Nest There?


After purchasing Riverfolk mercenaries, can I attack trading posts?
