LDS historian: Be ready, the Church is changing

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In this episode, Latter-day Saint historian Ben Spackman talks about change in the Church — past, present, and future.
0:00 Intro
3:14 Church & Scholarship from 1900 - Now
5:35 Church & Scholarship 1950 - 1990
7:11 Church & Scholarship 1990 - Now
10:00 Information vs Revelation
15:07 Elder Ballard, Cook, & human expertise
19:06 Correcting the Sweetwater River story
23:36 The Gospel Topics Essays
25:45 Heart AND mind
28:14 A period of unlearning
32:00 Being OK with change
35:54 What makes prophets special?
40:35 Institutionally working through complexity
0:00 Intro
3:14 Church & Scholarship from 1900 - Now
5:35 Church & Scholarship 1950 - 1990
7:11 Church & Scholarship 1990 - Now
10:00 Information vs Revelation
15:07 Elder Ballard, Cook, & human expertise
19:06 Correcting the Sweetwater River story
23:36 The Gospel Topics Essays
25:45 Heart AND mind
28:14 A period of unlearning
32:00 Being OK with change
35:54 What makes prophets special?
40:35 Institutionally working through complexity
LDS historian: Be ready, the Church is changing
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