America's Got Talent: What All The Winners Are Doing Now |⭐ OSSA

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Let’s have a look what America’s Got Talent champions are doing now. You’ll be surprised to learn which one of them is the most successful, who switched singing for acting, and who chose to step down from performing altogether.

The first-ever AGT winner Bianca Ryan nearly quit singing because of health issues. And you would hardly recognize now another teenage winners, Grace VanderWaal. She changed her style drastically – and her music has changed too. Her fellow AGT champion Darci Lynne stayed grounded and maintained a normal life as much as possible.

Surprisingly, the richest of all America’s Got Talent winners is Terry Fator. But not everyone was that lucky: Neal E. Boyd passed away three years ago, Kevin Skinner got depressed and chose to retreat from the spotlight.

Fortunately, other America’s Got Talent like Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. managed to start a successful career. Magicians Kenichi Ebina and Mat Franco also got their own shows. Watch our video to learn the details about the rest AGT winners, including Kodi Lee and Brandon Leake.
#agt #americasgottalent

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Who is your favorite contestant from America's Got Talent?


Darci and Shin Lim are my top favourites. They are both sheer genius at something that's extraordinarily hard to do.


Rest In Peace Neil. Your voice will never be forgotten. Thank you.


I saw Grace's first performance on AGT and my first thoughts were...."I hope this little girl has a successful and happy career in music along with a happy and successful life. Why wouldn't anyone watching and enjoying her performance wish for anything else. I love it when people see their dreams come true. The same goes for all the talented people on AGT.


I'm proud of you Darcy - you have great parents - who have taught you well. Stay grounded - don't allow this world to conform you into an image that robs you of who God has intended you to be!!


The two most amazing winners are Grace and Darcy Lynn, to see the youngest win such a huge iconic show as AGT with so much talent around them and remain focused on what they are there to do is mind blowing to me, they have so much personality that people connect to is the reason they are so loved, you can't deny their lovable nature and humbleness!


As long as Grace has the right people around her then she'll go far. She can experiment with her look all she wants.


I knew Darci Lynne wud win her season from her debut. So happy she stuck with it and stays grounded and focused on her studies - no doubt her mom helps her there. I hope she tours here sometime, wud love to see her live and maybe get an autograph. AGT is the show for variety talent, unlike the Voice, or Idol focusing on singing.


The champions won the AGT, but Nightbirde won our


So happy to hear about Grace Vanderwall! Cutie pie


Thank you ever so much for the update of the winners on agt as one often wonders how they are doing!


I was in the same Zoom call as Shin Lim. He was hired by a general insurance company to perform during a training with the agents.


I love grace! I remember her and darcy being two of my favourites.


I miss Night Birde. She deserves to be on this list


Nightbirde would’ve been this seasons.. rip to an angel


Top 3 winners for me:

1: Grace Vanderwaal
2: Shin Lim
3: Darcy Linn

They are just all amazing


Grace VanderWaal continues to act, having appeared in Disney's Stargirl 2020 and Hollywood Stargirl 2022, she costarred with Uma Thurman and Giancarlo Esposito in these films. Grace recently wrapped her newest film Megalopolis directed by Francis Ford Coppola, where it's rumored, she plays part of a singer who's a love interest of one of the male leads, either Adam Driver or Shia Labeouf in the film. This will be the second film in which Giancarlo Esposito & Grace VanderWaal have appeared together. Megalopolis should release to theaters in 2024.


I just love grace, ....she's my fave, she's got this voice that always got me wondering how can someone sooo young have a voice so really hope she Carry's on and be one very successful in her career❤️


Kodi darling!! Your voice is everything


Love Darci Lynne, I'm an adult but I watch Nickelodeon alot on unfiltered, and Side Hussle, she's so talented !
