Jesus is always human and divine

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Jesus wasn't divine at some times and then human at others. Father James Martin, SJ shares 10 things you should know about Jesus.
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Since you alone are holy,
all nations shall come
and worship in your presence.


I assume you mean during His historical life on earth?

Clearly he cannot have been human in the beginning when "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." John 1:3


Will Jesus come back as a human or is it his spirit overall?


Where in all of the word of God does it say that Jesus (according to the flesh) was both human AND "divine"? Paul writes concerning Jesus according to the flesh

*"He EMPTIED HIMSELF, taking the shape of a slave, becoming in the likeness of humen (flesh and blood), and becoming found in the scheme (fundamental pattern) as a human (flesh and blood), He LOWERED HIMSELF, becoming below-hearing longextending unto death, yea unto the death on a stake."*


wait so is Jesus divine while he is human or whats the deal


Jesus was a human sent from GOD. Jesus did everything only because it was the fathers (GOD) will, that he performed miracles to show he was sent from the father. Paul considers Jesus the second Adam because all ppl will die in Adam a man, and all ppl will live through Jesus also a man. He was only doing his fathers will, those miracles were of GOD! Personifying Jesus as GOD destroys Jesus’s teaching of believing in him to get to the father ! And in Jesus being sent from the father as human. How could Jesus die on the cross and give his spirit to GOD if he was GOD. No he was human who came from heaven as GOD’s son to take on all pain n suffering as a sin less sacrifice from GOD. GOD stopped Abraham from doing what GOD did later to his own son!


How can God become flesh and NOT change?! This claim is ridiculous! It's like telling me that a butterfly became a caterpillar and didn't change, didn't devolve, and still has the nature of a butterfly all at the same time.

Jesus was a full human being, point blank period. Any attempt to say otherwise is just a sad crusade to fit a square into a circle. You cannot have 100% of two completely different natures. God is self sufficient, humans are not. God is eternal, humans are not. Good is all knowing, humans are not. God created everything, humans can't even create a fly. This idea is almost as ridiculous as the people preaching and trying desperately to rationalize it. Don't tell me that the natures don't conflict, they MUST conflict. Humanity and divinity are fundamentally different! This is why God is above his creation.

We can see very clearly in Jesus's life that he was fully human. His human nature was clear as day. We saw him eating, praying, sleeping, suffering, being limited, worshipping the Father, living, dying. Where is the divinity in that? Jesus did not show any apparent sign of being divine, but even if he did, showing mercy and being sinless wouldn't be enough, because human beings can obtain those things that would only make him partially God, not fully God. If he doesn't have every attribute of God, he isn't fully God. anyone can claim that they're fully God And fully man, they just can use their super awesome God powers in the human world, but that's just overly convenient And it proves NOTHING!

And what the hell is with James saying that the two natures don't mix? does that mean that they're present at all times? If so, then where is the divinity? Even if showing mercy and being sinless shoes the divinity, that's a little divinity versus A.LOT of humanity we're dealing with here. I ask again, how can God become.flesh and not change? Humans are dependent for a reason, so that we can look to God for sustenance and guidance. God is free from any such thing. If an eternal being incarnates into a lesser existence that HE crrated, then he changed, BIG TIME, done deal.

When I was a kid, I assumed that the Christian argument was that Jesus only appeared to be a man, and he didn't really have to do the things that humans do, and he always has his super awesome God powers. But then I read the Bible, and not even THAT position held up.

This is what it all boils down to. Christians have an unbreakable love for Jesus, but it's caused them to elevate him to a status that is only for the all mighty God, even according to him *(((John **14:28**. "You heard me say, 'I am going away and I am coming back to you.' If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.)))* so they couldn't break themselves away from worshipping him, but they didn't wanna admit that it was polytheism, because they knew it was wrong and they knew that even their corrupt and altered scriptures say to worship one God. So they come up with logical trainwrecks like *"Jesus is completely God, but he's also completely human. And he's also the same as the complete God who ISN'T completely human, but they're different persons, who are the same."* instead of just admitting that they're worshipping multiple persons, which is polytheism. And they think that they can reach this to a laymen. This is not a.mystery! Every facet of their theology is a contradiction

X equals Y when it's convenient, then suddenly it equals Z, but you know that it can never be both 100%. I pray that you will see the truth some day. Asalamu Alaikum.
