Michigan State students risk arrest for 100% clean energy

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Michigan State University has the largest on-campus coal plant in the nation, burning over 200,000 tons of coal each year.

Students at Michigan State have had enough. They staged a sit-in at the University President's office to demand a meeting with her about this plant. Please share this video with all your friends to stand with these brave students.
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The saddest thing these comments have made me realize is that none of you seem to see a great potential in the university. Yea, we are a whole city that needs to be powered, but were a whole city of scholars. The university needs to accept this challenge which is the greatest challenge of our generation, and work to get us on a fast track to change.


I think what EVERYONE here is forgetting is that the CANNABIS (hemp) plant most definitely IS a renewable resource, AND if you can make it out of petroleum, GUESS WHAT?! YOU CAN MAKE IT OUT OF HEMP OIL!!! Problem solved, next.


I can't wait till these "children" grow up. Then, they'll realize that truly constructive discourse can be had through YouTube comment sections, and they'll stop their silly little "sit-ins" and "activism".
Also, totally agree. All of those humanitarian concerns expressed in the video just stink of egoism. Good catch. Bottom line is that coal is bad. It's getting a lot more expensive, and we can't keep using it like we are now. There are enough alternatives to start weaning campuses off of coal.


Were any of you science or engineering majors? All I really gathered from this is that you [MSU Greenpeace] does not understand the logistics of switching off coal.


Where are the engineering students in all this? Probably in class.


@44181432 Well figured out the science behind the patents. It doesn't violate the 1st or 2nd laws of thermodynamics, all one had to do to solve this technology was ask the right questions and do the work for yourself to see the results. In some of my videos you can see me doing what you would consider to be a violation of the 1st and 2nd laws as I am breaking the bonds of the water molecules at a rate of 1 LPM with only 390 watts with pure distilled water with no electrolytes added.


@44181432 You know there was this one guy that figured out how to use water as a source of fuel. It would take the place of just about all forms of energy we use today and the individual would be in control of their own energy needs. Do you know who he is? Stanley A. Meyer.

It has taken me since 2006 to figure out just how he made water into a source of fuel and I an not the brightest of the pack so if I can figure it out how come none of the science guys or others in general can't?


switch to 100% clean energy? enjoy the huge jump in tuition


No alternatives to coal were even mentioned, next time have a plan, or at least discuss it, before posting a video making you seem like you're actually making a difference.


You guys somehow continue to increase the stupidity of this whole thing. It is BECAUSE GVSU is smaller that they can be a greener campus. MSU has one of the largest (if not the largest) on-campus living system. It also has north of 100 buildings on campus (165 I think) which take the energy of a city (because it is in fact powering not just MSU, but parts of Lansing itself). These high energy demands require something that is efficient and cheap. read: Either nuclear or Coal. Keep Dreaming.


Nikola Tesla is the man with the plan. <3


@44181432 CHP up off that biz. Nuclear power belongs in outer space.


GO MSU QUIT This is incredible!! Its empowering to see students taking political action against policies implemented by the university that they are paying THOUSANDS of dollars to attend. This is what democracy looks like!!! If students across the nation were this engaged in expressing dissent and making demands of the institutions that represent them; real, widespread, and effectual change could happen! KEEP IT UP <3


Seriously guys... be realistic... and also, don't be stupid.

I mean, a little late for the latter, but it's never too late for the former.
If you are willing to suggest nuclear power as an alternative, then we can talk about supporting you en masse. otherwise gtfo.
Also.... none of you in the video quit coal.
