Why the Summit of the Great Pyramid is Missing

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The top of the Great Pyramid is a flat and wide summit, and has received a greater share of destruction than other Egyptian pyramids. There are many accounts of visitors to the top of the Great Pyramid, but nobody has ever confessed to destroying the peak.
When did this damage occur and why? This video cross references testimonies and measurements of the pyramid for the past 2000 years to pinpoint exact moments in history when courses of the pyramid came off.
But was this destruction random violence from bored tourists? A logical motive provides a framework for understanding exactly why the pyramid is the way we see it today.
Thanks to the Harvard Digital Giza Archive:
Thanks to Stephen Bergdoll for the suggestion to read Davison's notes, and many other great sources compiled in his book "Secrets of the Pyramid of Khufu"
Thanks to the Glen Dash Foundation for the summit climb of the Great Pyramid video
Thanks to Valery Senmuth for many images and sources, including the mast removal of the Great Pyramid
Quotations Sources:
Ogier d'Anglure "Le sainct voyaige de Jherusalem" Booardot and Longnon 1878 Pp. 65-68
Georges Goyon "Les Rangs d'Assises de la Grande Pyramide" Bulletin De L'Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale (BIFAO) 1978 Pp. 405
Edme Jomard "Description De l’Egypte" Descriptions Vol II Book XVII 1809 Pp 68
Jacques Grobert "Description des Pyramides de Ghize de la Ville du Kaire et de ses Environs" Logerot-Petiet, Paris, 1801 Pp. 63
00:00 Introduction
2:36 Wooden Mast
3:47 Antiquity Testimony
6:24 Medieval Testimony
7:32 Counting Problems
9:32 Nathaniel Davison
11:25 Top Course 206
13:27 Casing Removal
14:47 Major Destruction
15:21 Napoleon in Egypt
17:15 Destruction Explanation
19:34 Individual Responsibility
When did this damage occur and why? This video cross references testimonies and measurements of the pyramid for the past 2000 years to pinpoint exact moments in history when courses of the pyramid came off.
But was this destruction random violence from bored tourists? A logical motive provides a framework for understanding exactly why the pyramid is the way we see it today.
Thanks to the Harvard Digital Giza Archive:
Thanks to Stephen Bergdoll for the suggestion to read Davison's notes, and many other great sources compiled in his book "Secrets of the Pyramid of Khufu"
Thanks to the Glen Dash Foundation for the summit climb of the Great Pyramid video
Thanks to Valery Senmuth for many images and sources, including the mast removal of the Great Pyramid
Quotations Sources:
Ogier d'Anglure "Le sainct voyaige de Jherusalem" Booardot and Longnon 1878 Pp. 65-68
Georges Goyon "Les Rangs d'Assises de la Grande Pyramide" Bulletin De L'Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale (BIFAO) 1978 Pp. 405
Edme Jomard "Description De l’Egypte" Descriptions Vol II Book XVII 1809 Pp 68
Jacques Grobert "Description des Pyramides de Ghize de la Ville du Kaire et de ses Environs" Logerot-Petiet, Paris, 1801 Pp. 63
00:00 Introduction
2:36 Wooden Mast
3:47 Antiquity Testimony
6:24 Medieval Testimony
7:32 Counting Problems
9:32 Nathaniel Davison
11:25 Top Course 206
13:27 Casing Removal
14:47 Major Destruction
15:21 Napoleon in Egypt
17:15 Destruction Explanation
19:34 Individual Responsibility