How Hypersexuality of Mania is different from Sexual Addiction #shorts

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I hate that I have to pretend like this isn’t me because a doctor hasn’t said so yet


That's exactly what happens after the high of the manic phase... insightful as always Dr. Marks, thank you!


Noticing both of these very in one of my relationships is very eye-opening but I find it very odd when I was diagnosed with hypomania but I don't suffer the systems after the sexual drive. I stay in a childish hyper phase.


What happens if sexual trauma occurs during the hypersexuality phase of mania? Could that change a person's norm afterwards, especially if they were previously inexperienced?


I wish people could understand what it’s like to have manic disorder. Some days I try so hard and my brain just can’t operate and it’s very hard for me because I’m usually just normal and when I’m having a episode (currently) I just feel like a crazy person..


That is why person may think they are in for a wild, fantastic relationship while the other person contemplates what they did and why and can worry can it happen again


Wow. I’ve noticed a pattern of this in my life, but I always just thought it was from regular depression or stress. Happy enough with life to want to have sex with my partner, then suddenly no sex drive at all, just fine with doing nothing.


I don’t know if this is a thing, but is it possible to have a sex addiction addiction and have hyper sexual during your manic episode not to get too personal, but it happens when I’m manic, but it also happens when I am depressed maybe I’m weird I don’t know 😅


I know someone has to put it right not a problem been around the block a few times myself.


I know a person that had this so severe. It cost him his marriage and he became homeless.The poor guy slept out in the streets for six months.


Hey tracey 😊 im in such trouble. Addicted to benzos and sedatives. But trying to get of them gave me seizure and severe anxiety and withdrawals. Do you have any advice? I take about 14 oxazepam tablets every day. Im so scared of going through withdrawals and anxiety again. Love from an anxious addict from Norway 🇸🇯😀


This is confusing. I feel like i have dysphoric manic episodes including a frustrating urge to orgasm and stay up for days but no depression in between episodes. Is this possible or just bc i also am borderline?


I have that kind of sexual feeling a lot and people always say oh people that are so young can’t have that it’s true and it does happen and I have it and I’m only 12


Doctor marks I am certain my husband is hyper sexual for 13 years now but he always comes home on time he always brings all this money he always has sex with me. I know he’s narc but I don’t know what else to say about his personality.


Thanks doc. What about the hypersexuality with ADHD, that seems like constant state in contrast to BPD, can it be characterized as just a sexual addiction?


Hmm, and why no one is talking about this men behavior when they talking lies about the girl, who doesn't want to have sex with them? I was raped in college and then I began to listen about myself that I had sex with app 20-50-200 people in that college - all was nonsense, because I didn't let anyone to touch me at all. Name it ;) is this social behavior normal? I was punished for nothing just because extramarital behavior is not for me. I don't think I'm only one
