China In Collapse

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Notice: The opinions expressed in this video are those of the author and do not imply or convey any endorsement by the Department of Defense or the United States government. Additionally, this video was recorded and uploaded during off duty hours and did not utilize any government resources or facilities.
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Similar to the position we put Japan into before Pearl Harbor, I can see China making a "Now or never" move on Taiwan.


The first TSMC plant in the US was supposed to be up and running sometime in 2024, they broke ground in 2021. Back then, it was estimated the first plant would come online in 2024 and the second plant (also in Arizona, I guess eggs in one basket has no meaning anymore) would follow in 2026. This was what was estimated back before the "thing" kicked off in 2020.

The first plant has been delayed from 2024 to 2025, due (skilled) labor shortages apparently. The second plant that they're building concurrently has been pushed back to 2027 and they're even floating 2028. If China wanted to cause a lot of headaches, it's now rather than later. I'm sure they're aware of all this.


Yes, here in Rio Ranch New Mexico the Intel plant down the road is expanding both outward and upward. It is definitely going to be producing larger amount of chips once it gets completed.


I have been buying Chinese that I need since things went south, but NEVER anything edible. Also European stuff since Ukrainian war. BUT buying local is the goal.


What will happen when the Three Rivers Gorges Dam collapses?


I don’t believe prices will fall and here is why I think this. For prices to go down the companies would have to lower the prices on the goods. I don’t believe they will do this. They are still using inflation as a reason to raise prices. The middle man will not lower prices in this environment. If Taiwan is invaded and the west sanctions them like they did in Russia the western economics will collapse. Just my thoughts. Take care.


I would have to have money to purchase anything. I’m trying to survive on SS if you call this surviving.
