Is Bob Dylan a Christian? (With Greg Laurie)

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John Lennon said several times that he doesn't believe in Jesus or God. Look at his song called "GOD", he even say's so in his lyrics.


From many accounts, Lennon spent his final days caught up in the occult/New age practices, consulting psychics, astrologers and numerologists among others. Despite his many professions of atheism in songs and interviews, his preoccupation with all things spiritual and paranormal is a recurring theme, and in many ways he was a restless figure looking for meaning and peace in his life. Like many he publicly ruled out Jesus because his early experiences of religious people put him off but even he was moved to say 'Jesus was okay but his disciples were thick (dumb in British English) and ordinary'. I hope privately he found the peace that following Jesus can provide.


I used to go to Laurie’s church in Riverside. I am disgusted that he is now mixing these (on record), satanic or new age musicians into the Christian realm. If he keeps promoting this as a leader, it says in the Bible that leaders are held more accountable than the rest for leading followers astray. He is either KNOWINGLY part of the global spiritual agenda now, or he has saturated himself with things of this world so much now, that he can’t discern what’s right or wrong, biblically. Either way, he is definitely on the wrong path & we should pray for him.
These musicians were definitely NOT CHRISTIANS, & if anyone needs proof of this in the fruits & words of their lives, let me know.
This book will lead many people astray. You can’t mix Jesus with these musicians blasphemous words & call it Christian. Leading people to stay in & continue to follow the beast system is what this is.


Not exactly what the click-bait title promised.


Didn't Lennon say in his song "Imagine" imagine there's no heaven?


My dad is Mel Novak ur friend. I’m reading it now. Absolutely can’t put it down. My favorite is ur Steve McQueen book. But back to this book absolutely informative on things I never knew about some of my favorite musicians in the 70’s.


Interesting that Lennon created a very hostile song around 1980 (released posthumously in 1998) that parodied and mocked Dylan’s gospel song, “Gotta Serve Somebody.” Lennon’s song was titled “Serve Yourself” and left no question about Lennon’s disgust of Dylan’s claimed conversion to Christianity.


Apparently George Harrison came to Christ shortly before he died as well


Could a book on Bob Marley and his beliefs be in the future? Perhaps Bono?


Whether or not Bob Dylan is still a Christian isn't for us to judge. I do believe at one time, he sincerely was saved. I also believe, because I have seen it time and again, that he was severely judged by the church for continuing to play his music. If he is no longer serving God, it would be because of that.


Didn’t Dylan give an interview with Ed Bradley claiming that he made a bargain with the devil?


I want this book pastor Greg. These rockers were so much a part of my life as a musician. As a Christian I find their history amazing.


It's rumored that Ronnie James Dio gave himself to Jesus near the of his life. But of course only our heavenly Father knows.


I understood Bobs comments on 60 minutes that he "made a deal" with the "chief commander" in this world and the world we can't see as both Satan and God (Christ). I believe that Satan does rule the earth as the Bible states. Christ rules the world that I cannot see. I have no clue what his context was but its fascinating to me nonetheless.


If done with a pure intentions, anyone can wait that last moment, , ask for forgiveness of their sins, profess they believe in Jesus Christ and are repenting of their sins, and yes enter the Kingdom of God. But that's a tricky, costly and cheap way to become a believer in Christ. It's a scarey way as no one knows that last few minutes before they die. So it's so immediate that no one wait but confess and turn to Christ Now.


Little Richard, Jonny Cash, Dylan, Alice, the list goes on and on :-) as a redeemed music head but also a Christian dad of two these key figures in rock n roll came to be know the humbling power and love of God. Fantastic testimonies abound.


Dylan admits he’s still here because he needs to hold up his deal with the devil for his fame. Very easy clip to find.


praying here for Dylan he had some type of evil encounter him ...Keith Green once tutored him and he now seems away from God a bit perhaps i am wrong would love to talk with people like this


in the introduction to every show the announcer says things like poet laurette of the 60's and also found Jesus in 1978. Do you ever go see him in concert? Heard it at The Hollywood Bowl, The Forum, and The Orange County Fairgrounds. If you don't know he's still a Christian you must not be much of a fan.


GREG LAURIE what's wrong with you¿
