'All religions are paths to reach God' - Pope Francis in Singapore / Religious Pluralism

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If people can go to heaven without believing the gospel, then it would seem that Jesus died in vain. Pope Francis recently went to Singapore where he taught a form of Universalism. Are you aware that many Protestants and even some professing "Evangelicals" also share his beliefs? Ever wondered how someone can preach the gospel out of one side of their mouth and then espouse "Religious Pluralism"? In this video I explain it.

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If what the Pope is saying is true, that people can work their way to heaven or find God through some other path or religion then what was the point of the cross? The Apostle Paul said "... if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.” Galatians 2:21

Of course many people are now saying this. Most of the Denominational churches in our area (Congregational, Methodists, Episcopalian, Lutheran) teach a form of Universalist theology. Even the biggest supposedly Baptist / Evangelical church in our area went in that direction! We also have a former pastor in our area teaching that the cross was completely unnecessary. He left that Baptist church and started a home gathering where worship leaders from local Evangelical churches have attended and even defended that assembly, others allow him into their churches and are willing to fellowship with him but if you take a stand that the gospel is the only way of salvation, you become the bad guy. This is a growing trend that needs to be fought tooth and nail but in my experience few ministers want to deal with it.


"Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it". Matthew 7: 13-14 The Pope's way is the broad road. Everybody is welcome. However, it leads to destruction. The narrow way is Jesus Christ. He is the gate, the Way, the Truth and the Life. I got saved because of this verse as a 12 year old. This word came to me in a Catholic catechism book. The Holy Spirit was at work to reveal this truth to me. How much Francis should understand. The problem is Francis is not interested in the narrow road, Jesus Christ or his truth. He serves a different "god" who is the master of the broad road. Believing in Jesus Christ and trusting in his finished work of salvation on the cross leads to life. And few find it because they refused to believe that Jesus is the only way - the narrow gate. Thank you Lord for revealing this truth to me as a 12 year old. May those who read this comment be blessed with God's understanding and be among the few. 🙏


And at the end of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus tells us to keep to the narrow path so we can enter through the narrow gate.


I’m sure that Rick Warren is in hearty agreement with this sentiment ….


Thank you for defending the truth of God as revealed in the Bible by God the Holy Spirit.


Pluralism -- That temporary stage through which a culture passes as it exchanges one god for another


Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father, except through me."


But unless you find an authentic relationship to God, you're lost. Heaven is attained only through Jesus Christ.


The wolf in sheep’s clothing. God open people’s eyes and hearts to the truth of Jesus! The only way back to reconciliation with God — A personal saving relationship with Jesus!!


Yeah? A broad path.. To reach God so he can tell you "I never knew you".


I wonder if deep in his heart if he really believes in God.


When Jesus returns will He find faith on earth 🌎? It’s look like there is less and less faith being found as the days go by 😢.


1 Corinthians 10:20 “No, I imply that what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not God. I do not want you to be participants with demons.”


Pope Francis is absolutely do lead to the same god, the god of this world. God bless Pastor Michael.


I knew that the pope was Christian, but it was interesting to learn that he isn’t even Catholic. Who knew? 🤷🏽‍♀️


Pastor. why some pastors feel afraid to say the true about catholicism. You're right related that interview on CNN of Billy Graham. In that interview he said the pope John P II after he died he was in heaven. Billy Grham was wrong according to the Bible. Period


You may climb the Matterhorn on many ways, but you will not get thesummit. Only one route with a routined leader reaches the summit. One way, one guide.


Don’t confuse the width of God’s grace with the narrowness of the gate.


Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6


Every time he opens his mouth, he exposes offensive and illogical remarks. His new title should be Leading Heretic of the Church of blasphemous rhetoric. Step down.
