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For most of my conscious life, I lived in Daly City, California. It’s a place I connect with so much, and my homesickness has been a big motive in writing a lot of this music and indulging in a lot of old memories.

However, on my hometown’s eastern border lies a city named Colma. I used to spend a lot of time there in transit from one place to another and to stop to eat and stuff like that. It’s a place where more dead people are buried than are people living there, hence “The City of the Silent”. On the foggiest days, I used to walk along the many cemeteries and funeral homes that lined the streets. It was eerie, but it was also peaceful. I had fallen out of religion by the time I was spending a lot of time there, and coming to terms with life and death seemed a lot more candid when I was around a necropolis settlement like that so much.

I wanted to take a moment to breathe in this album, before the end. So I tried to create a soundscape that sounded the way my head did whenever I spent time around the Colma cemeteries. It was never creepy to me, I guess, it was like I was spending time with the spirits that were resting in the earth. I’m not even spiritual. Just felt like that.

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this is definitely the song i 've anticipated being the more underappreciated one from CUTIEMARKS. but nonetheless, the story behind it (in the description) is super important to me and something ive thought about for a long time. i hope that everyone loves it as much as i do. :3


This song feels like sadness, but like an important sadness. The kind you feel just before moving on from something, it's refreshing.


A friend introduced me to your music like, three days ago, and I love everything I've heard. I haven't listened to cutiemarks yet, but I'm absolutely going to make time to now. This is definitely going to be one of those "I meant to listen to the album but I put one song on repeat" songs for certain.


rest easy, spirits. rest easy, old memories
you'll be remembered


Does make me feel like I'm wandering a large city with no noises and talking at all...so peaceful!


The track both sounds and feels so haunting and soothing at the same time, that score just gives so many vibes but nevertheless you did a topnotch job on this Vylet!!!


)So soothing that you want to listen to it many times, simple and at the same time adorable.
Good luck further Vylet
)Так успокаивает, что хочется переслушивать по много раз, простая и в тоже время прелестная.
Удачи дальше Vylet


A beautiful and haunting song that, indeed, sounds as if it is the ambient music in a ruined post-modern city. Long forgotten with nature slowing creeping her way back into the constructs of whoever lived in such a lifeless concrete void. A city silent of the chaos of the cars, people, trams, and sounds of the modern civilization. In a way, it would be a CITY OF SILENT.


this song feels so comforting and ethereal, ive been captivated by it ever since i first heard cutiemarks. the atmosphere you built is gorgeous, and the way all the fragments of melodies drift around is just lovely. knowing the story behind it makes it even more special now, thank you for telling these stories with this album, it's one of my favorite albums ever and i could spend my whole life examining everything i love about each track, and getting lost in its magic


Your music is therapeutic for me, now. Hearing your reasoning/stories behind the music with the music itself, always gives me perspectives I've never considered or known. :D


Oh man, when I bought this album, not having listened to all songs before, this one genuinely surprised me. It stood out so much already simply by not having any vocals but it also is just such a smooth chill song that I could really just imagine a peaceful little, hidden place to. And on top of that it reminded me of Oneohtrix Point Never's song Wave Idea, which I really, REALLY liked.

So yeah, this song is definitely one of my favorites from the album.


I didn't expect this to end up being one of my favorites, but it is. There's a distinct echo of melancholy as time progresses. Comprehension of an inevitable end, yet instead of dread it's just an odd serenity that ya can't quite explain.

It's a nice change of pace. I could certainly do away with the feeling of dread for awhile. Very therapeutic.


Will put this on my chill playlist. The soundtrack is dreamy, uncluttered and calming, great to offset distress and tiredness when I need to continue working even after a long day at work


This is amazing, the sound design is spectacular and evokes the same feeling I used to get when I played Proteus, which has a similar melancholy feel during the fall/ winter segments. You’re definitely one of my most favorite artists, and this is probably my favorite songs from the album!


With working on a huge crossover RP story that currently involves Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid/Rising, and OCs, on VRChat for a little over a year now, and the fact that the one world we always used when the RP was only like 2 months old playing this on repeat in the background

And with 1:28 going off when we hit some of our sadder moments in it

I wish people could feel the amount of nostalgia and and emotion I feel listening to this a little over a year later.

It still hits hard.

I remember everything.

Every character introduction.

All the emotions.

I can still hear and see me bawling my eyes out when one of the best characters we had in the RP died with this song in the background

The feelings are still there.

The feelings are fresh.

And I damn can’t wait to get back into the RP whenever I finish working on some avatars for 2 of the characters that we have huge plans for.

And another thing is, I am so damn glad that I am writing this.

Recording this in history.

And the day when we finally finish the plot to its entirety, I will release the beauty of Cyborg May Cry to the world.


I’ll definitely be using this for ambiance. It reminds me of when I used to live across the street from a cemetery and would walk over to study under the trees.


This is my favorite song on the entire album! I listened to the whole thing recently, just banger after banger, and then this song hits and you just have to stop.... It's beautiful. It feels somber, like it wants you to think of what's important, and things you've lost, but it's not entirely sad. It feels very matter of fact in some parts, like it's saying "Yeah, you knew this would happen", but that sentiment fails to be comforting. Then the static and the end leaves you to just sit with that feeling.

I guess I would call the feeling "mournful understanding" or smth like that, it's a very complicated sound.


This is easily one of my favorites in this album, it's so calming and peaceful. It's also just amazing how seamlessly LIMERANCE transitions to this in the album, I didn't realize this was another track till afterward.


wow, the story behind this is beautiful, i can really feel it in the music here more than is most music


I feel like all the underappreciated songs end up being my favorite
