17 Self Defense Tips That May Save Your Life

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Self-defense is a necessary and important thing! And if you don’t understand anything at all in it, it's time to change it once and for all. How? See our selection of ideas and layhak for self-defense!

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If you ever feel stupid in life, just remember over 131K people liked this video.


I've been doing martial arts for almost a decade, and I can tell you 99% of these tips won't work in a real self defence situation. It's just a good way of getting yourself hurt.


I'll give you some real tips
1: make as much noise as you can to attract the attention of others to help or call the police
2: if you get put in a car trunk, look for the emergency lever all cars have them build in just in case, it's normally red and small pull it and the trunk opens or unlocks
3: if possible be prepared keep a handcuff key, a small blade maybe, something that will help you escape bindings like tape or handcuffs e.tc hide it on you ideally somewhere you can access it with your hands tied at the back or front
4: always run before fighting if you can't run fight, , escaping and safety should always be your number one priority
5. If you have to fight don't be afraid to do what you have to do even if that means fighting dirty and hitting senstive areas or causing bad damage or using your environment like for example picking up a chair and using that as a weapon, always defend yourself it's about survival and if you get an opening run immediately or don't stop until they are no longer a danger do not give them a chance to get up and just grab you again, obviously try not to kill them lol
5. Very simple stay alert best way not to get into theses situations is to always be awake, concentrated and alert, vigilance is key
6: if you are being chased try to get to a public place like inside a shop somewhere there is other people


Great thanks to Troom Troom, every girl I kidnap just keeps kicking me when I open my trunk. Can you make a video on a defense against these kicks??


Dam bro thx this helped me a lot 🙏. One time I was about to get jumped by a group of 78 people but luckily I always carried perfume because of you. It was truly humbling, and I studied more and more. Some guy shot me in the leg but I survived 💪. Thanks legends.


I used a gun to stop attackers, but now I see I was wrong,
An umbrella is a much more useful weapon


yes because when someone has a choke hold on you, instead of elbowing him while pulling his choking arm away, you reach into your pocket and get out your everyday pocket lighter and set him on fire


0:11 anyone who claims to have an IQ over 60 knows that you cant tie someone up with their hands in front of them, also anyone who claims to have an IQ over 20 knows that you cant just pull a girl out of your trunk with all the neighbors watching, more likely he would open the trunk somewhere where no one can see, with possibly more accomplices,
so running away would not be as simple as kicking the dude who opens the trunk and running away.

1:19 to be fair, if u burn someone's arm, then they will let go, but if he knows how to chokehold properly, it only takes a few seconds for you to pass out, so, under stress, it may take you a few seconds to get the lighter out of your pocket, plus the time to get the lighter to light, plus the time for the ouch to set in, u probably going to get choked out anyways.

1:45 in theory it would work, however, it is very impractical.

2:18 why tf would he hold on to the umbrella if its breaking his arm?

2:42 yank it.

2:47 ironic coming from you

3:30 you cant bend if hes got u in a choke hold

4:00 first, he isn't going to grab the scarf, he is probably going to grab the hair or choke you out, second, he wouldn't get "stunned" by you taking off a scarf, third by tilting your seat back you are only making it easier for him to grab you.

4:45 this would probably be enough to deter people from taking stuff from your backpack, but if they are really serious, then they can just cut the bag open with a knife, or rip the zipper open.

6:02 cringiest fucking display of non-martial artist I've ever seen

8:11 *ãřevădærçhý*

8:57 who knew adrenaline gave guys power to withstand a weak kick to the leg

9:04 i have no words, this is just awful. That isn't going to work, it will just make him angry, also, if you are inside your house, don't come out to try to fight, lock your doors and call the police.


“Are you tied up in scotch tape?




Petition to the Troom Troom team:

Please, fight in STREETBEEFS with these tips! That could prove the legitimacy of these tips!
I'm sure you would win, and not get hurt in any way!


This has to be satire. No way any of this is real


"We practice martial arts everyday"

... no. No you do not😒


The only useful advice here is that "Never hesitate to shout for help" and that perfume thing the rest will just shorten your life


lmfao this is hilarious 😂😂😂😂

In all seriousness, if you ever in these kind of situations: scream for help and run!


4:56. I have a hard time believing that a thief wouldn’t just take the backpacks


Dont do this, im a life long martial artist and all of these would never work. Be safe please


Well, this video must be satire! Because most of these are not going to work and are «how to escalate an already dangerous situation» hacks.


I need to make an essay breaking down every bit of bad advice in this. If you are scared enough of being throttled with your scarf to make a velcro detachable one, then don’t wear a scarf!


Guys don’t forget that they are saving you from these type of situation
Stop giving them hate rates and stop roasting them


Pro tip. take 1 lesson of any martial art and you will learn something useful. please don't do any of this, you will either harm yourself worse or it won't work. Try to escape shout for help and try to ask the person to stop if they are walking towards you. I have done taekwondo for 4 years.
