New HSA Rules in 2025 You Need to Know

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The IRS just announced the HSA contribution limits for 2025. Let me give you the complete breakdown of how my HSA will supplement my early retirement income.

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⏰ Table of Contents ⏰
0:00 HSA Rules in 2025
1:36 How HSA Works
4:18 Tax Savings with HSA
8:10 HSA Calculator
12:09 3 Bucket Strategy with HSA

#FIREPsyChat #FinancialIndependence #HSA

🎵 Music and Sound Effects Provided by Epidemic Sound 🎵

Disclaimer: This video is not in any form of personalized financial advice. I am solely sharing my personal experience and opinions. All Strategies, tips, suggestions, and recommendations shared are solely for entertainment and educational purposes only. There are financial risks associated with investing. You must conduct your own research and due diligence or seek the advice of a licensed advisor if necessary.

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One correction with the marginal tax rates:
They should've shown the differences between the ladder from 10% to 12%, 22% to 24%, etc. I didn't catch it until after it was already presented, but I want to make sure it is addressed in the comment section. It was presented correctly in the other tax video, but this one showed the incorrect numbers


I don’t get it. The title says new rules for HSA in 2025 you should know. The video is just old generic HSA information that has been the same for years. Well, yes, the limits goes up every year as a results of inflation.


The 3 accounts method is the first thing that came to mind for me as well for a system to take care of this stuff. Awesome video!


That tip about calling the hospital biller was gold. Never thought of doing that! My son had an ER bill for $3, 000. Investing in my HSA, so had to pay OOP 😢. Called and asked for a discount and they gave me %30 off the top, took me just 5 minutes 🎉. Thanks so much!


My employer contributes $1000 a year to my HSA at the start of the year, which is awesome. :)


So the breaking news about new HSA rules for 2025 is that the limits have gone up?


You should always start saving to an HSA. It gives you an automatic 7.5% tax break on the medical expenses you would need to pay anyways.


I am using my HSA to save for Long Term Care expenses if I ever need them or paying my Medicare B premiums when I am 65. This can be a great way to save for those expenses.


I just opened my first HSA through Fidelity a couple months ago, and I was able to invest my very first contribution of $100. I didn't know some places require a minimum


HSA are for healthy people. If you have a chronic disease, this is not for you.

The best use is being 25 yrs out of your parents health insurance. Then start a HSA ASAP. Maybe you never have a health scare, and get to have $$$ for retirement.


I think investors should always put their cash to work, especially In 2024, we'll start to see more market diversification. I'm hoping to invest about $350k of my savings in stocks against next year. Hope to make millions in 2024


What i do is let most of my HSA grow in investment funds, buy every now and then i will take out reimbursements based on medical receipts and put the money in a 529. So my hsa money is never taxed, plus i get an additional state deduction due to the 529 contribution.


Thanks for sharing this! I moved my hsa funds over to Fidelity just a few years ago but I don’t think they had a managed account for hsa account holders then. It was only about 3 or 4 years ago but nonetheless, this video informed me and it’s free now being that my balance is currently just under $25, 000. Now for sure, no hsa provider comes close to Fidelity’s features and fee tiers! 😊


I will never understand why anyone is barred from continuing an HSA at 65 if they take Medicare A even if they are still working. Makes NO sense to me


I didn’t know that you can go back to previous years for reimbursement. That is great info


🎉 I'm David and I love my health savings account😂😊


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Lively is who i use for my HSA. It doesnt require a cash balance to invest, i just roll my employer HSA plan over once per year


Your 2024 Marginal Tax Chart does NOT LOOK EX 383900 at 24%=92136. The whole amount is not at 24%. 180k at 24


I would like to contribute to an HSA, but I am military retired and have Tricare and VA medical insurance. From what I can research I do not qualify to contribute to an HSA because of that. I hear people contributing to HSA that have VA medical and or Tricare, is there a work around to will allow this? Am I missing something because an HSA is a great way to build wealth.
