Fake Foods You've Been Tricked Into Buying

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Care for some wood pulp on your 'sketti'? Enjoy a hot lentil latte? Sipping a dirty chloroform-tini? When it comes to these culinary fake outs, the joke's on you!

#Fake #Foods #Tricked

No officer, it's Parmesan | 0:00
Trick tilapia | 1:04
Horse, of course! | 1:46
No EVOO about it | 2:37
Saffron psyche-out | 3:26
Yellow powdered whatever | 4:30
Corn syrup "honey" | 5:10
No way, Kobe | 6:02
Coffee 'n fillers | 7:09
Vodka schmodka | 8:04
Define that, please | 9:18
Non-GMO-ish | 10:27

Voiceover By: Emily Brown

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The fact the government is ok with giving the people fake food along with people not holding the government accountable is crazy


Almost everything sold is fake, read every label, you will be shocked how many times you are being fooled😊


One more thing about “Italian” olive oil. Check on the label to see if it’s certified as a “product of Italy”. Some producers will include the region as well (e.g., Tuscany). Many bottles read “bottled in Italy”. This is a red flag. It means the olives are not from Italy, rather they’re from another country (Spain, Greece and Northern Africa are common) and have been shipped to Italy to be bottled and sold.


Here's a tip when buying fish: either only buy whole or watch them fillet it. This way you know you're receiving the species of fish you pay for.

Simple, I know.😅😅


In restaurants, I have been served the wrong fish several times and told them which fish they served me. They fessed up.


This video confirms what I've been saying for years when i say fda approved don't mean squat ...


I only buy honey from local bee keepers. I live in the middle of nowhere so i have alot of options to choose from.


A round of Applause everyone 👏 👏👏👏👏
The whole world is corrupted.💯
Tell me something I don't know.😒


Let's go through these:

1. Parmesan has a ton of salt in it, that's it stays on the shelf. We eat too much salt.
2. The seafood industry has been doing this for decades, and in some cases centuries. Nothing new.
3. Horse meat is unpopular when properly labelled.
4. Ditch olive oil completely. It turns bitter and has a low smoke/burn point. I use grapeseed oil for all of my cooking.
5. Saffron is so expensive, if you can afford it, then I don't feel sorry for you.
6. Can't speak much on turmeric; it's mostly used in South Asian food.
7. Honey, like seafood, has had this problem for a long time.
8. Kobe beef, a bit like saffron, if you can afford it then I don't feel bad for you.
9. Didn't realize this about coffee. Grinding your own is probably better for taste reasons anyway.
10. The best thing to do about vodka is to simply dump it.
11. If the egg producer label offends you, just know that all advertising is financial game.
12. GMO foods are NOT an attempt to poison or sterilize the population. However, they are an attempt to control the food supply and make sure that even centuries from now, a corporation "owns" every crumb of food that you eat. Feel free to read up on the Terminator gene, which is supposedly banned for now but you know a corporation will eventually start using it, which will seriously affect our food supply.


Well if that doesn't want you to grow your own food, nothing will. About 60% of what I eat, I grow myself. Therefore, mathematically I might live a little longer and be forced to pay more taxes. Either way, I think we're all screwed. 😂😂 Sorry, if I don't laugh I will only cry.


Having worked in the meat department in multiple stores, i can say 99% of customers couldn't tell the difference between a $5lb fish and a $35lb fish. And 99.99% actually think '"Fresh Fish" is actually fresher than frozen when it's not. Fresh fish is usually days old by the time you get to it.


I only buy whole bean coffee and grind it in my blender. I wouldn't have a problem eating if it was cheaper than what we're paying for beef right now. My uncle owned a feed store and California sent him pallets of dog food at a discount because it had kangaroo in it. They eat kangaroo in Australia everyday


Companies know who to market their product if needed.


This is certainly eye opening. Please do a video on "meat glue" and the bastardization of the meat.


Jack Tripper (character from the 70s sitcom "Three's Company" played by John Ritter) was always claiming that the filet mignon in a competitor's restaurant was made out of horse meat.


These people that mess with our food need some serious swift karma.


By now I'm convinced that there's absolutely no reason on Earth to buy organic compared to non-organic. Also lol at people buying organic lemons and grating the zest without washing it.


I just threw out the container of Parmesan cheese in the trash…😮


We have all been eating crap for some time, but I am doing more of my own cooking than ever since I found out about a lot of things in the last few years. It starts to make you realize only buy from the people you can trust, stay away from Asian anything is and always will be what I have done for years.


Wood pulp is a common additive to ALL shredded cheese...not just parmesan. We shred our own.
