In-N-Out is Terrible... So I ordered Everything I could from the secret menu.

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In-N-Out makes my A$$ itch. So, I ordered everything I could off of the secret menu.

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😄 About me:
Stefan Johnson is a Cleveland-based Voice Actor, Screen Actor, and Social Media Personality. He can be seen and heard in several films, commercials, cartoons, and industrials. He has recorded Voiceovers for clients worldwide from his broadcast-quality home studio.

He can be heard Voice Acting for brands such as McDonald's, WWE, Food Network, Netflix, Scott Pilgrim, Cartoon Network, Doritos, Walmart, Hidden Valley Ranch, The Orlando Magic, Ancestors Legacy for Xbox and many more.

He has appeared on-screen in several featured films, short films, and commercials including Cherry, Judas and The Black Messiah, Gillette, Low Lives (The Series), Hometown, Pretty Metal, and more.

He has gained over 8.2 million followers on Tiktok and 1.7 million followers in Instagram for his off-color comedy, food reviews, and voiceovers. His social media notoriety has seen him featured him on Buzzfeed, Pop Sugar, and The Today Show's website.

Stefan studied at The Ohio Media School, The Houde School of Acting, and The Global Voice Acting Academy.
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Them bad ass kids was all up in your video! 😂


You are 1000% right about the fries they are not even mid.


Brother big bacc, I want you to know that the fine folk ‘round here appreciate you


People wait in the drive thru for an hour for that ASSALICIOUS burger 🍔


I think In-N-Out isn’t a bad burger spot, but the hype around is what kills it. Its Fans tend to react negatively if you rate it as just okay. At the end of the day though if you're going to claim your burger is the best of the best, then you’ve got to back that up. In-N-Out is good, but honestly, it doesn’t stack up against some other places.


Native Californian here, I also don't like In N Out. Finally someone is saying it.


The reason for all the in & out love is a few things: 1) it was still cheap when fast food prices soared 15yrs ago 2) the fries are real; none of the 18 chemicals McDonald’s adds to theirs 3) the burgers taste GREAT!!


Californians: Boo this man!!
Texans: This man is spitting. In n Out is trash lol


I am so glad you are saying this about their fries! 🙌I've been telling my friends for years that In-N-Out's fries taste like cardboard and they all tell me "You're crazy!" or "You have to get them animal style". I tried animal style and it was still bad because the fries are bad just like you said. I have no idea why people love this place so much. I think it really is just a cult following and nothing more. It is the single most over-hyped fast food restaurant that I know of, and I really don't understand it at all.


Chipotle..people Hype chipotle up like it's the hidden gem of the fake Mexican fast food restaurants. It's honestly mids and over priced for what you pay for. Same with 5 guys. It's a complete rip off.


I don't know how you do it and you aren't 480lbs eating so much. You are hilarious and appreciate your reviews.


Thank you so much for making this vid You spoke nothing but the truth!!!!


In 'n' Out isn't complete trash, but Cali people hype it up so HARD!!! They act like you'll see God when you eat anything there. I've been more than once and haven't even heard an angel belch. Super mid on its BEST day, and no I don't care that it's cheap and you have memories of going late night to sober up, that doesn't make it any less OVERRATED.


Had it in Vegas! It's McDonald's with no salt😂


I'm from SoCal and imo it's just more nostalgic and affordable than good, you are right, if I want a burger will I get it and be satisfied...yes, but will I drive to the next city over No.

But lets be real Whataburger is also over hyped


I'm from New Jersey. I was in San Diego for work and my daughter called and said I HAD TO GO AND FIND AN IN -OUT BURGER. I ubered 20 minutes away to make her happy. IT DIDN'T MAKE ME HAPPY!!! that was some of the most basic fast food I'd ever eaten. DEFINITELY OVER HYPED



1. Toasted buns
2. Whole grilled onions
3. Protein style lettuce
4. 4x4


Thank you 🙏🏽 I’ve been saying this for years In ‘n’ Out is not all that I would take almost any other fast food burger over In ‘n’ Out.I live in California we have better options but they stay busy


I had In&Out when I was in Texas 3 years ago. I heard soo much about it over the years so I decided to try it when I was at a truck stop. It wasn’t a bad burger but it wasn’t something to write home about. Even Wendy’s tasted better than in and out. Whataburger runs circles all over In&Out
