7 Most Embarrassing Storytelling Skeletons in Bethesda Games

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Anyone who’s played a Fallout will know the primary medium of Bethesda storytelling is skeletons posed in such a way to communicate the tragic thing its owner was doing when they died. But some unlucky skeletons are of folks who died in the most embarrassing circumstances possible, which are now bonily immortalized for all eternity. See for yourself with these seven most embarrassing storytelling skeletons in Bethesda games and subscribe for more on Bethesda's Starfield from Outside Xbox!


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My favorite has to be, I think, from fallout new Vegas where the guy got shot cheating at poker. This man confidently set 5 king of diamonds on the table. What made it even funnier is the opposing player also had a king of diamonds in his hand.


Wait, so the guy is dead and decomposed, but the tomatoes are still fresh????


Don't forget the skeleton in Skyrim you find embedded feet-first in the ceiling of an icy cave, glowing sword just out of reach, as a furry white monster prowls around. Someone didn't read the script.


I think the last thing one is a husband finding his wife cheating on him with guy with no clothes. On the floor below there is a skeleton wearing a dress. Presumably the guy’s wife.


In Fallout 4 you can find a skeleton in one of the metro stations wearing sunglasses with a cigar in his mouth with a teddy bear nearby who's also wearing a pair of sunglasses. This skeleton also has piles of money surrounding his remains as well.


Who can forget the Skyrim Skeleton in Doom 2016? He had a helmet and an arrow in the knee and everything


I do always wonder when I see these though how many actually died like that and how many were just posed that wayby some raider or other weirdo who was bored.


Ive never seen the fan/crotch skeleton before. I suppose the bombs going off were a relief at that point.


I think a real possibility to a lot of the skeleton shenanigans can just be post apocalyptic pranksters posing them in compromising positions just for laughs and giggles


Lore channels: "The mannequins may be haunted, or possessed by an eldritch being dispensing vengeance on the remnants of humanity."

The Mannequins: *Attacked a naked person in the bathtub with machetes and plungers, cut their head off and shoved it in the toilet while one of their own got busy in bed with a drunk guy.*


I do love the way that the skeletons stay relatively intact, not succumbing to gravity despite no longer having muscles etc to hold them together.

Makes me wonder if there's some sort of taxidermist relative of the Dungeon Torch Fairy going around with a load of wire, immortalising the embarrassing poses


Bethesda is so proud of their environmental storytelling and it's always like- why is this skeleton in this diner that is being actively used by s shopkeeper? is the storytelling that no one bothers to clean up skeletons?


I would like to posit that one of the skeletons locked in immortal combat was wearing natural fibers and one was wearing polyester. That is all.


Love how the first entry has the guy turned into a skeleton, but the tomatoes are still intact.


In Fallout 76, there's some skeletons all arranged sitting in a cart, like the intro to Skyrim. You end up in the seat as one of the random effects of eating Halloween candy. Only embarrassing because it requires you to play Fallout 76.


The palpable fear in Andy's voice as he says "was it... was it a sex thing?" was great. Truly, Andy, you're the kind of performer that wouldn't have any ripe tomatoes thrown at them.


One of my favourites is in Fallout 4. In one the depths of one of the quarries there is a skeleton wearing a hardhat, sitting in a bulldozer, with a cigar in his teeth and a beer in his lunch box. On break means on break. Nuclear war or not


There are a pair of skeletons who died having sex in Dragon Age Inquisition. There are actually quite a few skeletons in the Dragon Age series who died in weird ways like the one who died rolling a cheese wheel down the hill.


Don't forget about the one in the New Vegas DLC Old World Blues; person was minding their own business and got a nice Saturnite mortar shell to the groin.


Ah man I was really hoping to see the "two bros chilling in a hot tub five feet apart cause they're not gay" skeletons from the Elder Scrolls Online on here.
