Finding your Place in Photography (Again)

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A story of inspiration and how this can help us to find our place in the world of photography.

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Excellent topic! So many of us lose some steam along the way and I guess the thing to do as people is putting the blame outside. I'll never forget an advice Whoopie Goldberg gave in The Actos Studio and it was this "Fame is an accident that does not happen to many, if you are doing what you are doing with the expectation of Fame you are in for a ride. There are many unknown people working on their craft day in and day out for themselves and they are happy working at it." Thank you Daniel for all the great advice you give through your channel!


Daniel Norton - Photographer, Motivational Speaker, Inspirationalist. Nice.


I saw Peter Gabriel in 1983, in Vancouver, BC, opening for David Bowie. Made an impression. I saw him next in Toronto, in 1987. By then So had made him an international icon and much of the music on the album spoke to me deeply. In relation to my photography career, 1983 was the year my small studio started taking off. In 1987, I was working in gigantic commercial studios in Toronto, shooting, as you say, stuff I wasn't always interested in. But I don't regret the experience.
One of my formative memories was one of the best commercial shooters complementing my portfolio and advising me to get out of advertising before it sucked my creativity dry.
Today, I don't shoot much commercially. I've returned to the most difficult kind of photography: self-assignment.


You and Seth are continuing to inspire. I've started taking small headshot jobs and I watch many of y'alls videos and livestreams as I learn more about lighting and studio shooting. Thanks to both of you.


Daniel, once again you've nailed it! thank you for this video. You're more than a photographer - you're a teacher, a guidance counselor, a bit of a philosopher, but most of all you give us a fresh perspective on everyday things about us that we've been oblivious to. Always looking forward to your posts!


An acquaintance of an acquaintance is a successful local portrait photographer. I went to a meet up that he organized when I was a few months into taking photography seriously.
We became sort of friends and he's been a great source of inspiration. I've learned a lot from him and he's been a great, experienced, person to bounce ideas against. I definitely feel that I've grown a lot because of him.


Peter Gabriel is so amazing. If he hadn't had left Genesis, we would have missed out on so much more.


I love what Seth did in providing a place for us to share with each other. That has been great for me!!! I also do need to get connected with the local photography club. Hey, if Peter Gabriel didn't leave Genesis we may not have had the opportunity to hear Phil Collins :) By the way, I've read a few stories about Gabriel and his band mates. It seems there was a strained relationship. When he finally cut ties with the band it seems he was relieved according to the stories. I know when asked Peter Gabriel will say the song, Solsbury Hill, is about letting go or losing what you have for what you might get but when you see the lyrics of the song and understand there was a strained relationship between he and the band members the song really makes sense. It does for me. Funny you mentioned this song because it wasn't that long ago I was looking into this myself wanting to know the story behind the song. Thanks again for the inspiration!!!


I get inspiration from getting out around town walking and shooting. Or we do have 1000s of photographers here. I follow them and they follow me. Everyone style is different but it's very cool to observe and get motivated from each other. You'll see photos of the same location but different photo finish.


Hey Daniel, for me inspiration comes from people that are above me in skill and stature but within reach. To keep me motivated, I need to see regular progress and improvement. If I set my goal to high, it becomes frustrating. So I make easier to achieve goals and raise them as I succeed. Luckily I am in NYC where there are so many aspiring artists collaborating with one another, we inspire each other to create better and better work.


Excellent advice. I've found that a some of the online forums are pretty toxic.

Personally, I found a local rental studio that has a lot of photographers and models coming and going. It's a great source of the kind of inspiration you speak of. Plus most everyone is very open, supportive, and helpful.


Another good one. I get my inspiration from a variety of sources: Portraiture books, Instagram, Facebook groups. It's inspiring but humbling as well. There are so many good and even great photographers working. I don't know how many make enough money at it to thrive financially but their work stands out. There's a guy in Minnesota named Bill Donovan who is consistently great on architecture. Kathy Tauer is always great at live musicians. Layne Kennedy's posts are always worth lingering over. Curt Brown's astral photography is profound. My own interests lean toward dance, portraits and some street photography, but I marvel at the skill of these other folks. And of course you and Seth are terrific, but you asked for people who aren't famous....


Loved old Genesis but still loved it with Collins in the lead. I still listen to Gabriel's Opus album "So" at least once a week on my Home Pod while fixing dinner! Awesome album! BTW Great tips even for us "keen amateurs"!


Certainly the technical aspects of photography are important. I always enjoy your “how to” instructional videos, but we always need to examine the “whys” behind photography as well. I really enjoyed this video, and I hope you’ll continue to discuss both the “hows” and “whys” of photography. I hope to see you this week at WPPI. Thanks again for this video.😃👍


Enjoyed the vlog Daniel. Inspiration for me is learning every time i go out and enjoying the experience good or bad along with listening to individuals like yourself who are down to earth and enjoy photography in all it's differing forms. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you Daniel, I very much needed the inspiration. And I love that song too. I do look to my college buddy for inspiration and we often do bounce ideas off each other. Which I am in need of doing so soon.


I absolutely needed this video in my life thanks so much


Thanks for this video Daniel. I picked up my camera for the first time in months this Sunday. I am going out to pass a few business cards out today. I have a friend on Facebook who really inspires me, she is so creative and such a good business woman.


Thanks Daniel, good timing. Been stuck in a rut for about a month.


Thank you Daniel. I needed to hear this.
