All Races, Nations and Cultures in Conan

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Really, the whole setting was an excuse for Howard, who loved historical adventure fiction, to put Conan in any place and period he felt like, without worrying about getting shit wrong. Want him to fight vikings? To be a Roman mercenary in Britain? Team up with Egyptian slaves? Why not!


Some time stamps
2:37 Hyperborea
3:08 Vanaheim and Asgard
3:39 Cimmeria
4:09 The Picts
4:37 Aquilonia
5:02 Zingara
5:25 Argos
5:48 Ophir and Koth
6:14 Nemedia
6:33 Brythunia
7:01 Corinthia
7:17 Zamora
7:39 Turan
7:53 Hyrkania
8:11 Shem
8:29 Stygia
9:28 Himelian Mountains
9:49 Vendhya
10:11 Khitai
10:31 Kush
10:50 Darfar
11:18 Lemuria


The Hyperboreans being a supposed mythical race mentioned by the ancient Greeks as a people living in the frozen lands with a somehow temperate climate under perpetual sunshine is something I had absolutely never heard before until I looked up "Hyperboreans" for more Conan lore lol instead I found another actual historical equivalent used by Howard in his world building


I find it fun how Howard didn’t even bother renaming any of the African kingdoms (Kush and Darfur, which where real African kingdoms) still I’m impressed he even knew about them.


For some context regarding characters:

Belit: Shemite
Red Sonja: Hyrkanian
Valeria: Aquilonian
Zenobia: possibly Numedean


The Brythunians, known across the land for their dreaded light cavalry, rumored to be a proto-winged hussar. They ride rugged Steppe horses capable of riding on rough terrain for days on end and charging violently down the steep ravines that surround their heartland. Legend tells that eons ago, in their eleventh hour facing insurmountable odds against eastern barbarians, they were rescued by a mysterious mounted force of flying cavalry pouring from the northern mountain passes. We refer to them today as the mythical Valkyrie, but they were referred to as “Hushkai” which in the ancestral tongue meant “rider of death”. Thus the tradition remains today of swift riding cavalry donning dramatic wings as they ride fiercely into battle.


I've just discovered Conan and I'm fascinated by the world, lore, and the cultural influences on the different races. For my own TTRPG homebrew world I was already taking a lot of influence from real world cultures and peoples and seeing that Conan has done the same is a huge inspiration. I love seeing real world history with a fantastical twist


If anyone's interested there's a four book series based in African cultures that I recommend called Imaro written by Charles Saunders. Its about a warrior called Imaro and is set in Nyumbani, a fantasy Hyperborean version of Africa and many of the cultures and people who live there, mixed with some degrees of Lovecraftian cosmic horror for good mesure.


The Cimmerians in Conan's lore refer to the real-life Proto-Indo-European people of the same name. Interestingly, they were the people who first mastered ironworks in Europe. They have solved the riddle of Steel


I read all of the REH Conan books when I was a kid, along with the stories of Kull the Conquer and the sword fighting Puritan Mercenary Soliman Kane. You did a great job tying the original Hyborian World and the games together. Well done.


Only ever heard of Conan and seen the 80s movies, never knew the Lore, Races, Nations, Cultures etc. Very interesting!


I Think I understand the idea of Conan a bit better now, always thought Conan to be a loose fictional fanatasy that wasn't bound to any foundations.


To make a few additions, the Vilayet Sea was the Ottoman term for the Caspian Sea. The Turan Kingdom is more like a reflection of the Seljuks and the Ottomans. Because the origin of the Turanians is based on the Hyrkania steppes. A group of Hyrkanian nomads crossed the sea of ​​the province and established a state on the western side, just as the Seljuks left the steppes and established a state in Iran and Anatolia. Hyrkanians, on the other hand, are similar to nomadic Turks and Mongols. The gods Tarim and Erlik worshiped by the Turanians and Hyrkanians. Erlik is Turkic god that exists in mythology. Also, Tarim evokes the word Tanrı (or old version Tengri) in modern Turkish.("Tanrım" means "my God" in modern Turkish) Also, in a Conan adventure, it was mentioned that the Turan king arrived in the capital before his brother and tried to take the throne. This was a direct reference to the Ottoman Sultan Selim I. It is also an old Turkic tradition for Turan kings to strangle their relatives with bowstring for political gain. The Turks believed that the ruling dynasty was commissioned by God and that their blood was holy. Therefore, members of the dynasty were not killed by the sword. The name of Yildiz, the King of the Turanians, is also Turkish name means "star". Although we use the name Yıldız for women today, we also used it for men in history.

The country called Iranistan to the south of Turan represents Persian culture and they are enemies to each other, just as Turks and Persians were enemies to each other in history.
Btw fantastic video. Thanks for sharing.


I had know idea the conan-verse could be so dense with lore and roleplay potential.

Still I like this video and it has peaked my interest in conan :D


Excellent video! I’ve become a huge fan of Conan and Howard’s work since I picked up Conan Exiles last year and have been trying to eat up as much lore as I possibly can.


Howard was among my favorite authors growing up. This channel is a gem. Thank you.


This was cool, thank you very much! I didn't know any of this and I'm just getting into a RP server for Conan Exiles and writing my backstory. This helped me come up with some ideas.


In my head canon, The pictes are the "ancestors" of all of the Native americans, Because most of the arts represent them being brown skinned, dark hair & eyes. Maybe the ones who landed in Hyboria eventually mixed with other cultures to become the scottish. But by the looks and name of their tribes, they are basically Natives americans.


Interesting, I always thought Aquilonians were more like late Roman Empire, after enforcing christian faith as only allowed religion (hence zealous adherence to Mitra's worship), Franks never came to my mind


I am always trying to convince my friends to start reading Conan, but they just laugh it off. I read the Hyborian Age first and I was like wtf this is great and then I read all the short stories and fell absolutely in love with Howards world and it's characters. Hats off to you, sir! Thank you for keeping Conan's name out there. Absolutely no tv show or no movie will ever do it the proper justice. REH wrote so much good stuff, it is insane to imagine that he died at the age of 30. I am 31 and I hate every word I write down to craft my own story lol
