Unity UI Extensions - Scroll Rect Scripts walkthrough

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A walkthrough tutorial of the Scroll Rect scripts in the project, including:
• Scroll Rect Infinite
• Scroll Rect Occlusion
• Scroll Rect Linker
• Scroll Rect Tweener
• Scroll Rect Extensions
• Scroll Rect Ex
• Scroll Conflict Manager

These provide different ways to extend the built-in Scroll Rect control, rather than just using the Scroll Snap controls.

*Note, the Infinite, Occlusion and Tweener are not recommended to be used in conjunction with the Scroll Snap controls, as they already have these features built-in.

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Years later and he's still saving lives :)


is there a fairly easy way to get the infinite scroll rect to work while using the horizontal/vertical scroll snap?


Thanks for the time spent on this project. Is it possible to use a horizontal scroll snap with a vertical scroll snap as it's child, and then use the mask area on the parent (horizontal scroll snap) to mask the area that is not currently visible (to make the content inactive)? When I try, I seem to get conflicts between the two.


I'm having trouble with the InfiniteScroll script. I'm trying to make a game with cards, which are spawned via script. When i don't have InfiniteScroll set to Init by user, the thing i'm using goes flying off the screen, where as if i have it set on then it doesn't carousel and acts like a normal rect transform, even though i'm calling the function from the script that spawns the cards. Am i doing something wrong or what? I'm using unity 2019.4.10f1


Would it be possible to conflict manage scroll snaps? I was thinking if maybe instead of having the horizontalscroll snap rely on the originial scrollrect and instead took in the ScrollRectEx then maybe it would work?


Hey, thank you very much for sharing this for free, you're awesome! :)

I would like to know if you could help me with a little problem I have with my project?
of dragging the gameobjects and changing their positions while
dragging, I would like to just click on them (for that I am using
buttons), highlight the clicked button and then click on another button
somewhere else (in this case -> I click on a button in a different
Re-orderable Grid ScrollRect). Now, when I selected another button, the
button of the first Re-orderable Grid ScrollRect and the second button
of another Re-orderable Grid ScrollRect changes positions.

Is this possible with your script? :/


How can I use it with grid system? there is some weird problem
