Attend | Meaning of attend

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attend (verb)
To turn one's consideration (to); to deal with (a task, problem, concern etc.), to look after.
Secretaries attend to correspondence.

attend (verb)
To wait upon as a servant etc.; to accompany to assist (someone).
Valets attend to their employer's wardrobe.

attend (verb)
To be present at (an event or place) in order to take part in some action or proceedings; to regularly go to (an event or place).
Children must attend primary school.

attend (verb)
To be present with; to accompany; to be united or consequent to.
A measure attended with ill effects.

attend (verb)
To wait for; to await; to remain, abide, or be in store for.

attend (verb)
Alternative form of atend .

January 24, 2019

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