New video shows Riley Strain moments before he disappeared

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Nashville authorities are ramping up the desperate search for 22-year-old college student Riley Strain, who has been missing for two weeks. This comes as new video emerged showing him moments before he disappeared. NBC’s Kathy Park reports for TODAY. 

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Why did anyone order him an Uber? Really so drunk he got kicked out yet they expect him to find his way back home? Horrible friends


I think this is a search and recovery effort now. I don't think he's sitting somewhere alive waiting for someone to find him.


He's in the river 100% it's just a matter of time until someone finds him.


So are they thinking he was so drunk he got kicked out of the bar then stumbled and fell in the river?


If he’s found in the river you can add this to the long list of unsolved deaths involving 20’ish year old men winding up dead in a river after leaving a bar late at night. Do a google search, it’s very common


this is 100% clickbait, the interaction with the cop was released DAYS ago.


They should fly out the diver that just found the body of our missing 15 year old here in NorCal. Police couldnt find him when he dove into the Calaveras river and disappeared. But this gentleman who is a professional scuba diver found him very quickly. He figured he could and give the family closure. He might be able to help find Riley.


The fraternity "brothers" should have made sure he made it back to safety.


This is just so awful. My prayers go out to the family... They will find him..


The next step is the parents Sue the City for $85 million because there's no fence by the water and they just saw 15 attorney commercials on TV and the judge allows the case to go through because that's how he gets work.


Years ago a Norta Dame student was missing found in river or never found cant remember but left from a party alone again no friends watching out for him last known person that seen him was a security guard .. the way this kid was walking he had more then one drink or head injury did someone put something in his drink ?


I think whoever kicked him out of that bar alone needs to be held legally liable.


the man got robbed and put in the river


Wow! Why would his Frat brothers let him leave out the door that drunk. That is horrible!


He likely fell in the river and drowned. I had a childhood friend who recently died from the same thing. Got high and fell in.


I really hate that ppl today have to "sober up" real fast when they see a cop, out of fear of being arrested, life thrown down the drain & ending up thousands in shouldnt be that way! ESPECIALLY when its someone out walking alone, he wasnt irresponsibly operating a vehicle! He was on foot! Ppl should be able to trust the police enough to approach them if their lost, scared, in danger whatever EVEN IF theyve been that we can AVOID tragedies like this. The police were suppose to be put here to HELP us, not terrorize n scare us...ESPECIALLY young kids like riley strain who arent out to cause any harm and are just trying to enjoy their youth n have a good time. Sad.


I wish they would find this sweet boy, his family needs peace. I wish I could drop everything and go to Nashville and help. Hearing his mother cry literally hurts my heart. I could not go on If something happened to my kids. If you’re going out drinking, please be safe and don’t leave your friends behind!!


Wonder why he wouldn’t ask the police officer for directions?… Prayers to his family and friends and sincere condolences🙏🏽


Why did the bar Keep serving this young man? Clearly they should have stopped serving him 😢 they need to be held accountable


They found one of his cards on the bank of the river…. He’s in there :(
It’s probably painful for him to know his family doesn’t know yet and is grieving so hard.

I hope to god he’s alive, maybe he is. I don’t know what would be worse as a dead person, my family not knowing I’m dead and looking for me with hope, or my family finding me and knowing I passed so they can rest and have closure.
