Introverts, How Did You Meet Your Girlfriend?

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2. Record voice acting the stories/questions, sharing thoughts and opinions and performing it in a creative and transformative fashion for viewers to enjoy.
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4. Throw the gameplay in the editing software and then begin typing up the captions, cutting/trimming the voice acting, adding SFX, color correction, removing/adding clips, etc.
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I decided to go out as a way to force myself to interact with people. I strolled a few bars but couldn’t strike up any conversation. Went home disappointed. Next to my place was a new bar/restaurant, so I thought to check it out.
It was fairly full. I set down alone on a table and ordered a beer.

After a few minutes sitting there, the most beautiful woman at this places comes to me out of nowhere and talks to me. She was there with a group of friends. She invited me to join their table. I join and we all have a good conversation. She gives me her number and that’s how it started.

She basically picked me up. My contribution was only that I was there, so she could find me.


Here is my story of how me, an introvert got a didn't, the end.


That last one with the Beyoncé concert is so so so sweet !!


I was the introvert and my girlfriend (Andrea) was the super extroverted beautiful red head or ginger girl from my school. I was usually on my sit minding my own business and she constantly came to my sit to talk to me, I tried to get her to leave me alone several times and all I did was get her to talk to me more. One day, my class and I had to go away from the city to do social labor on a farm on the country side and I was super nervous, so she sat down next to me on the bus and she held my hand until we reached the farm because I was a nervous wreck. Once in the farm Andrea put her sleeping bag next to mine and she slept beside me to calm me down every night. I usually become really nervous when I’m far away from my home. During the social labor we talked a lot and I learned that unlike her twin sister (Carla) who wanted to be a doctor, Andrea wanted to be a chef or a baker. I told her I would love to try some of her cooking, and once we got back to the city after 3 weeks of social labor, she started bringing me home made food that she made for me. Andrea always kept me sane through 5th and 6th year of highschool and I fell for her, I was deeply in love with her by the time of graduation, so after graduation I asked her out to go watch a movie with me and we did and we had our first kiss while watching the movie and from there we just remained together eventually I used a ring that my grandmother gave to me to ask Andrea to marry me and now we are just months away from our wedding now


I tried online dating throughout college but had little success. Eventually, after I moved back home, I got desperate and turned to Craigslist which had personal ads at the time. I chatted with a few women before I came across my wife's profile. We hit it off and have been together for 10 years. I still joke that it was between her and "Submissive BBW seeking a Dominant"


Story 5: If the the two of you stay “just friends” one or both of you will probably get marry someone. If you’re married, it’s a bad idea to remain friends with someone who you share an attraction. So, your friendship is on borrowed time anyway, you might as well explore your feelings for one another.


I am a huge introvert however I always loved love!
So I recently decide to more social, I been doing this for the past 2 months
And instead of getting a GF, I am becoming a player!
Got 8 girls phone number
Went on 2-3 dates
Am currently talking to someone
But no one is being as serious as I am or they are not interested!

It dosent help that their are only 2-3 placed to be social in my area and I live in the state for lovers so most people in here are either married or in relationships or too young or old!

I am scared I'll be alone forever


Poor story 5... Oh boy is just too inexperienced to know she is not really into him. We've all been there.


These types of topics are so depressing.


All I know is that all of them were adopted by extroverts


Well, I met mine on Snapchat, she was the first girl who ever understood that I'm attractive in my own way and I found her to be the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, it almost felt like the a very well written romance movie, we are still in a loving relationship today, and nothing has changed


Roommate was hosting a party and forced me to attend by making my room part of the party girl comes over and asks if she had seen me before and i remembered her from college we talked the whole party as she was going home it occurred to me i didnt ask for her number but she turned around and gave it to me luckily been dating 3 years


Could you do one on how introvert girls meet their boyfriends I can't find any videos like that it's always the introvert boys meeting the girls


My last one basically threw herself at me. Confessed out of nowhere. Didn't see it coming at all.


Wait what dnd and magic players get it must be fake


Me and my gf got sat next to each other in gym class we became friends hit it off a few months later we still together so dats nice


Dating as an introvert is 90% luck + being in the right place at the right time 😔


Now why did you have to say the words "posthumous hookup"? Now I have two songs stuck in my head that I would REALLY rather not be thinking about right now


Are these stories even realistic? What happened to women being entitled, what happened to "it's man's job to make the first move and then escalate" and all that jazz?


Joe who?

