Create and Configure Views: Tutorial for Model-Driven Power Apps

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This tutorial takes you step by step through how to create and configure views for Microsoft Dataverse tables, to use in your model-driven apps or Dynamics 365.

Check out my tutorial on Model-Driven Power Apps for complete beginners before watching this if you're completely new to model-driven apps.

Creating and configuring views - here's what you'll learn in this video:
0:00 - Introduction
0:41 - Definition and demo of a view in a model-driven app, switching views, sorting and filtering, exporting to Excel, working with views on dashboards
3:46 - Create and configure a view - adding and removing columns, setting the order and column widths
6:37 - Configure the default sorting for your view
7:40 - Configure filters for your view
8:23 - Add columns from a related table to your view and filter using columns from a related table
10:44 - Save and publish, pin, and test the view you just configured
12:10 - Configure a view to use as a subgrid and add it to a form of a related table
16:20 - Set the default view and deactivate views
16:59 - Types of views - Advanced Find, Lookup, Quick Find
18:58 - Wrap up
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Thank you for the wonderful & detailed explanation on Views ! This is content worth paying for. The ongoing series on model-driven apps (starting from the Intro and the BPFs) is great and I look forward to the upcoming videos.




Great tutorials Lisa. It would be interesting to see a tutorial that focused on how the developer can make apps accessible for end users. E.g. permissions, URLs to access, simplifying user interface, b2b authentication, etc


Love this, will you show more use cases of model-driven apps videos?


Great course! - thankyou Lisa for this amazing & easy-to-follow guide!

Question: Re: Sub grids - have you made a video on extending views/filters etc to include a third dimension table - so Employee, Asset, & LOCATION?

Just as in your app, I have employees assigned to assets, but both are assigned to a specific location (with no transfers between locations). We have over 800 locations, so it's critical that users only see the employees and assets related to the locations they manage.

P.S. This is the last hurdle I need to jump, before I commit to Dataverse!

Many thanks! 😊😊


amazing video Lisa, This is epic,
I have 1 q:

Can I use the 2 different views with a Filter "Yes" and other with filter "No" at the same page of a model driven app within the groups ?
Actaully wanted users to select views from groups, rather than default view selection at the top of table name


Hi Lisa!

Nice video! Really helped me out.

One question. How do you create the dashboard view with the graph on it?


Is it possible to create views for specific users that cannot be seen by other users? Permission specific views?


Hi Lisa
Just a quick question in the search bar dialog box. In my App, I can only search the column primary key ? when I'm trying to search other column values, its showing no data. I modify the filter and added column name contains data but its not searching. Appreciated your help :)


Hi Lisa - really enjoying your video series.

When you are creating the view you showed how to add fields from a related object. Does this only go one level deep? Or can you add a field from a related object in the related object.

Example Team>User>Business Unit>Business Unit.field.


Good afternoon, Your videos are just beautiful, but I have one question, how can I use these photo fields if I want to display these pictures on my view?


This has been a great video in helping me configure my model driven app. I’ve added a new view via my data verse table that my MD app uses but it’s not pulling through onto the app. I’ve saved and published but still no luck. Can you help?


Thanks for a great tutorial after i create an view while i click on the first column i dont see the info as and how i see here in the video what am i missing ? exactly in 2.51 sec in the video


Thank you for the amazing training Lisa.
i see on adding a related column Full Name it appends the relationships name like (Primary Contact)
Is there any wait to remove that on the view for the column header? So it just says “Full Name” rather than “Full Name (Primary Contact)”.
I have searched all over and not found a bit of info on this.
I tried a custom page or canvas embed but I can’t get the related columns at all there


Hallo Lisa, Danke für deine tolle Erklärungen.
hast du auch videos über Commands, Business Rules, Dashboards und Charts? Wenn nicht, machst du sie irgendwann? Deine Abonnenten würden sich richtig freuen. Danke


Hi Lisa!
Great Videos! Really helping me out as I am a beginner.
Is there any way I can filter Work Order View according to the Created By equal to Logged In user?


My Bookmarks
17:29 - Need to learn more about Advance Find Views (search and see if sql join can be used with multiple data tables to arrive at that view, what will happen if someone clicks on that records to modify, will it make changes in the underlying table or only the view will reflect the change)

18:17 - Also search for how to create a lookup view which can later be used in another view


Thank you very much for this video! It is really great and easily understandable! I just created a follow up list as a view. Within this list I list all potential with certain next step activities. I tried to add account information to contact information to it.
The contacts are also related to the account and I am showing them as a subgrid in account. In account I define the primary contact and show details as full name, email, etc. from a quick view in contacts.
All tables are related, but I don't get the contact information showing up.

Is this even possible?


can we filter a view by email from a email type and filtering based on logged in user email so user only see records with their email from a email type column


Thank you for your very nice videos. I followed the first model-driven tutorial However. I dont understand how you get yu left menu withthe Customers group, Equipment Ordering group and Administration.
