Imagine scenarios #shorts

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Here’s part two for you girlyssss. Please be understanding this is my first time but I really wanna get into doing part twos! Any feedback would be nice. I’ll try and be good at my grammar!
Y/n= youuuu
E/n or H\n is our future man’s 💅
B/n is our

“No” he says. Y/n “we are NOT friends I hate you. You hate me. So why are you in my bed?!” E/n says in a desperate voice “I—I’m sorry I shouldn’t have come… hear me out at least?”
Y/n “HA hear you out? The audacity after YOU were the one that started the fight with me! Over what? Me being near another guy. You never wanted anything official your words not mine”
E/n in a deep more intimate voice “someone sounds a little upset. I get it… but give me another chance I’ll do it right this time”
E/n holds Y/N tighter but still with his gentle nature. E/n “I….love you”
Y/n almost crying knowing her feeling haven’t changed “I love you too but…we have to do it right this time no secrets no hiding from our families” h/n “yes love, I promise. Now let’s get some sleep. He gives her a kiss as they share an emotional hug hoping a better future awaits them.

Oh my hope that was decent let me know if I should make a part two plus idea for the part two Lol

PART (might be short since it’s late for me):
Time skip to the morning~
I wake up to see h/n startled at first before remembering the events of last night. Looking over to see if he’s awake. H/n in a deep morning voice “I see your awake my love”
Y/n slightly blushing at the nickname “mhm I am how long have you been awake??” H/n “long enough to know you dream of me saying my name in your sleep” Y/n “I DID NOT LIAR. Anyways don’t we need to like tell my brother and our families? I’d rather them not learn about us by finding us in bed together…” h/n “at dinner tonight we will it will be the best time with everyone together.”
Just as he says that a knock on from my mom on my door “sweetheart can I come in?” Y/n “uhhh one second mom I’m uh getting dressed!” “You gotta hide” h/n “whatever you say how about I go out the window?” Y/n “yes yes perfecto I’ll see you at dinner tonight”
H/n gives me a soft kiss before parting
Mind~ gosh I’m so lucky I hope tonight goes well…~
Okayyy all for tonight I’ll check back in tomorrow hope y’all like this one!!

Part three: x/n= ex bf!
As we walk into the house hand in hand I see someone I wasn’t expecting….someone I thought I’d never see again y/n “wh—y are you here x/n” x/n “ehh I was in the area your family still like me” whispering in her ear “maybe it’s time we give it another chance”
H/n “funny funny comedian I see. She’s *mine* and IM *hers* so back off”
X/n in a mocking tone “oh well I shall see you around y/n enjoy this little boy”
Y/n “maybe… we shouldn’t say anything today like he just talk to my whole fami—“ h/n “shhh love who cares I still love you who cares we’re telling them I won’t hide my love I feel for you”

With that he grabs a glass and taps it to get everyone’s attention “everyone! I have something to say”
Everyone turns from there conversation to see what h/n has to say but before that can happen x/n taps his glass “sorry everyone but mine will have to come first. Me and y/n are going to be getting married!”
Y/n and h/n faces go blank then to confusion before falling on anger
M/n “honey it’s the best for both our families coming from wealth he will give you a good life plus you used to be so deathly in love”
Y/n “mom— I love h/n—“ d/n “that’s enough your not marrying someone like him this marriage is settled now stop ruining the dinner”

Okayyy that’s all for now let me know if I should write another one tonight!
part 4:

It felt like time stopped… I know my parents and I don’t have a choice why did I ever think I could love someone else why….
H/n “YOU DONT GET TO CHOOSE HER LIFE! she is a grown women who doesn’t need you. Maybe I’m not as rich as this snake x/n but I will treat her right. I don’t care if I work myself to DEATH she will have everything she wants and more. We’re leaving future in-laws because I will marry your daughter” with that he grabs my hand and leads me to his car. Not before x/n try’s to grab be as well. X/n “she’s mine I brought her” y/n “I can’t be BROUGHT YOU IDIOT I AM A PERSON” with that I punch him (go girllll 💅💅)
Y/n “where are we gonna go…” h/n “to my house love I’ll take care of you and give you your own room whatever you please.” Y/n “thank you….i truly love you h/n”
BE READYYYY the next part gonna be so sweet maybe a bit spicy if y’all want that !



Everybody: aww I wish I had an enemy like that

Meanwhile me: what should I eat for lunch✨🤪😭


Plz tell me when someone makes a part 2!
