Dodging into position for Sett ult against Akali for deletion | League of Legends #shorts

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Dodging into position for Sett ult against Akali back towards the toward and the easy kill.

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#shorts #leagueoflegends #sett #livestream #soundeffects #music #copyrightfree #teamfight #duel #akali #ultimate #ult #tower #dodging #deletion loltyler1, Tyler1, Yassuo, Faker, Nightblue3, Boxbox, Voyboy, PantsAreDragon, ProfessorAkali, Midbeast, Perkz, Doublelift, Yamikaze, Ikeepittaco, Gamergirl, LLStylish, Trick2g, TFBlade, Gosu, Foggedftw2, Bunnyfufuu, Katevolved, Thebausffs, TSM, Cloud9, 100T, Bobqinxd, pekinwoof, eillax, sneaky, erick dota, sarellan, skt1, sk telecom t1, rekkles, lcs, lec, pants are dragon, nicolai, synapse, jankos, perkz, nemesis, bwipo, excellete
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