How To Test For Black Mold In 5 Minutes

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In this video, I am going to show you how to test for black mold in 5 minutes.
Now be advised, it does come with some caveats so make sure you watch the entire video. There may be better options that are more clear results. Just like anything, this method has it's pros and cons.

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I just tested positive in bloodwork for all three mold types and S.Atra was so high. I have to test two houses for mold now and don't even know where to begin, so thank you for this video.


Yes, take it SERIOUSLY!
Toxic Black Mold destroyed my health, and took a long time to heal from! 😫


For those of you wondering why he says "You can't even really see the Penicillium / Aspergillus one anymore.", what he is referring to is the right side of the test kit window of each test. What the narrator of this video fails to mention is that a single line indicates a NEGATIVE result. A positive result requires TWO lines, one line on the left side (obviously visible in both test kits) and another line on the right side as well. (Barely visible on the Stachybotrys test kit and no longer visible at all on the Asp/Pen test kit)


Mold in my condo was Alternaria, Penicillium Aspergillosis, Cladisporium, a small amount of Stachytbotyrus. There were many molds, can't remember all. Green, gray, black, pink. I lived in it long time, was so sick. Tired, forgetful, rashes. Was terrible!


We had black mold and other toxic molds in our home. 2 of our animals died, my young son ended up with seizure disorder, Fibro etc.


I have lived in San Diego in a rental house on Mt. Helix for the last 9 years. When I moved in I could smell a musty mold odor. The mildew/mold I've found and cleaned through the years has always been on the walls facing the outside. The walls have no insulation. The walls from the outside are stucco, wood, 4" of bare space, then wood paneling. There was a huge water slab leak under the top house. All the contractor did was permanently shut off the water line to this faucet near the driveway. My ceiling used to leak a lot. There are cracks and water marks and a droopy ceiling in the bedroom. Oh, and my ceiling is the patio of the house in the front of the property. A large patio where the rude tenants and their juvenile delinquent kids play soccer, ride bikes and jump up and down on over the years. Psychological abuse for sure. No heater in the bedroom where it gets freezing (45*F). The landlord came up the other day and looked at the mold and said, "That's not that much mold". "You're not coughing, " he said. "There's no air circulation in here, open some windows". "It's in the middle of winter", I will not! He brought up a dehumidifier and wants me to run it 24/7 on my electric bill and wants to get another one for the living room. I have 5-6 of those Damp X containers all around the 1 bd house, but I'm tired of paying for this bandaid temp. fix. I tried to get a mold inspector out here to find out what type of mold, but they have to get permission from the landlord. He said NO. Even to a free inspection the other day. Still No. My joints and muscles ache all the time, and sometimes it's hard to walk. Two years ago I got a black Labrador puppy, he's not sick. No amount of mold is good, I know. The backs of my bedroom furniture had this grey film. I have pictures. So if the mold was deadly, I would be dead by now. What's the best way to kill it? Or is this place doomed to always have it? I kill it then paint over it, that seems to work for a few years. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you. Patty


If there is mold behind the baseboards, could that mean that there is mold behind the wall too?


Giving me a swab to determine what type of mold and already visible mold is, is not super helpful. Finding the mold to begin with is 90% of the battle.


Thank you, thank you. The two tests both looked like clear lines on left side to me, maybe next time could draw out what you see and to look for? Thanks again


Thank you very much for this information I'm pretty sure I will be reaching out to you for more advice even though my HOA is responsible for the roof that was supposably fixed and I told them I'm still having a problem they brought the roofer back he went in the attic saw nothing been going back and forth finally I got a sturdy ladder went up my self couldn't believe what I saw and he didn't..tits was raining when I went up and I had a small waterfall coming from the roof above the kitchen..I've been dealing with this for a year now and when I first reported it, it took 3 months before they got a roofer to come out and did nothing to prevent further's been a nightmare


very informative and focused on the topic. i leanred a lot and will be doing my own air born testing based on your content


How do I test for mold if I don’t see it but suspect that I have it in my home ?
Thank you


just a small tip, when you are doing green screen, try to be as far as possible from the green screen so you don't have green light on you :)


5 second black mold test: "Do your walls look like this? You got black mold".


Swab or tape lift sample. Gentleman waited over a minute ready to raise those arms to show us. I can respect that kind of preparation.


5:38 Let's be clear. No matter the accuracy, no test will replace an experienced Mold Inspector, even if you are not filing an insurance claim.


Hi Brad...I am seeing black mold on my bathroom ceiling. I have used Bleach by it seems to return in about 3-4 weeks. What is the most common mold in bathrooms and is there any home remedies that can remediate it successfully?


This test kit work fantastic. I got great results.


Black Mold is extremely dangerous to health...I have had houses in the past with this problem...very helpful video, thanks


More info on mold ands its consequences on health need to be out there.
