Serie Makes Frieren Fail the Exam | Sousou no Frieren Episode 27

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Frieren Beyonds Journey's End english subtitle
Serie want Frieren and Fern didn't pass the final exam, Serie mocking Frieren for using flowers magic. Fern pass the exam and want her to be Serie's student.
#frieren #fern #sousounofrieren
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The relationship between Serie and Frieren is actually easy to understand: Just think of Serie as an asian parent and Frieren as the daughter who graduated from school with A+ in all subjects. However, instead of becoming a doctor, Frieren decided to be a historian.


Frieren is obviously overqualified for the job, it's like your rival company owner applying for middle manager job in your office


In addition to that, Frieren's battle strategy actually depends on anonymity and stealth. Yes she is powerful, but her approach to killing demons is more like an assassin. So if anything it's better if not too many people remember her. First Class mages are probably very well known and with strong reputations. The fewer people and demons know about Frieren the more demons she can cap from behind.

And in the end, that's what gets results. That's why Frieren and the power of friendship killed the demon king and Serie never could. Everyone avoids the elephant. It's much harder to avoid the viper.


If Serie's intuition is always right, that would mean she always knows which chest is a mimic or not.


well, Frieren is her own class, giving her the title of first class is kinda lame compared to her real ability.


Fieren doesn’t believe she’s a first class mage because she believes there’s only improvement and more to learn. First class implies there’s a ceiling here, and she just sees clear open skies and stars.


Serie not only failed her.. she also banned frieren for 1000 years from entering magic association.. 😂😂


Serie is such a walking contradiction, she talks about how useless the spell to create a field of flowers is, ...while standing in a garden full of flowers herself... A place where SHE chose to conduct the interview. Lmao 😂😂 a tsundere grandma


Serie failed Frieren because she knows Frieren will only use it on her own convenience. Frieren will not listen to her summon or order


Serie: I want you Fern

Fern: Oh hell no! I don't want to babysit another fossilized ancient baby


I don't know why but I love the pause at 0:05. You can practically hear Serie thinking "And then there's THIS one!"


The title isn’t an achievement for Frieren. She doesn’t care for it, wouldn’t know what to do with it. It’s like giving the One Ring to Tom Bombadil, shes likely to completely forget about it in a year or so.


Hilarious how many people fail to realise that however much she dresses it up in fancy words, Serie is just jealous that Flamme was right about Frieren defeating the Demon King, & that Frieren is honest with her feelings (even if she finds them confusing) while Serie is not. Both Flamme & Frieren can read Serie like a book, & Serie knows this, which bothers her immensely.


frieren the slayer > frieren the 1st class mage


Serie: You fail to pass the exam, Freiren.
Freiren: Okay. Thanks for proving to me that this was a waste of my time.
Serie: WTF?! You're not gonna argue?
Freiren: I don't give a fuck.


“How truly useless” yet you keep a “useless” flower garden well tended, I see how you play, Seire, you can’t fool me


I think this is a good example of two people who just think fundamentally from each other. It's obvious that what Serie is looking for is someone who already believes their a first class mage or has the confidence to stand their ground with her and push back. If you noticed all of the people Serie passed were already extremely confident in their abilities or weren't afraid to push back against Serie when she mocked them. Frieren however is extremely passive by nature, and also very set in her ways. Once she makes up her mind on something its very hard to get Frieren to change it or convince her she was wrong.

Frieren was already convinced that Serie was going to fail her and nothing was going to change her mind, but the sad truth is that Serie wanted to pass Frieren. She wasn't mocking Frieren's choice of spell for no reason, she already knew what her favorite spell was, Serie was trying to bait Frieren into fighting back, to show that she would push against her but Frieren just refused to engaged.

While Frieren was ultimately right, it was a self-fulfilling prophecy; she setup the circumstances that caused herself to fail and for Fern to pass.


Tbh serie is probably the best tsundere yet she seems harsh and never admit her true feelings and she knows that no one will understand how she truly feels

Unlike any other tsundere characters not just insults their partners and literally abuse them physically and then either end up with then or get rejected

Serie is unique though she has no partner nor she ever wanted one but she still acts like a tsundere a harsh but calm one at best unlike any with a short temper


I like Serie. Such a complex and unique character who is borderline a god, of course very few can understand what she truly feels. I can’t imagine being that ancient, knowing what she knows, and have seen what she’s seen… must be such a blessing and a curse. ❤


Serie: "What spell did you use to defeat the demon king."
Frieren: "A spell to create a field of flowers."
Serie: "..."
Frieren: "..."
