GTA 3 (Dreamcast vs PlayStation 2) Gameplay Comparison

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Comparison of Grand Theft Auto III between Sega Dreamcast and PS2.
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What you're seeing on the Dreamcast is a draw distance 10 times greater than that of the PS2, true 480p resolution, and many more cars and NPCs on the screen simultaneously, along with 3D models with more polygons, as they are the same as those from the PC version... obviously, the Dreamcast version is still poorly optimized, since development started less than a month ago. The goal of the video is not to ridicule the Dreamcast but to show that it is more than capable of running GTA 3.

It's a shame that small-minded people think the video is meant to ridicule the Dreamcast, especially considering that this is my channel, where it's no secret to anyone that my all-time favorite console is the Dreamcast (Number 1), followed by the SNES (Number 2) and PlayStation 1 (Number 3)

Anyway, the video is to show that even at the beginning of the development of the Dreamcast version, which is being done by fans and not Rockstar developers, the game already proves that GTA 3 would easily run on the Dreamcast and that it wasn't released due to commercial reasons, not because of a lack of capability.

After all, anyone familiar with the Dreamcast knows that 98% of its games are in 480p, which demonstrates that the Dreamcast is powerful and that it died too soon to showcase its true potential!!!

Even though the Dreamcast is my favorite console, I am impartial when it comes to all consoles... for example, among the 16-bit consoles, I prefer the SNES over the Sega Genesis, but the more I learn about the Genesis, the more I'm surprised by the things the Sega Genesis could do that the SNES couldn't... but it's hard to change my preference just like that, since I grew up playing the SNES. However, the Sega Genesis has my respect too, as it has great games and is a fantastic system.

What I mean by all this is that, regardless of our preferences, we can look at things impartially without being swayed by passion.

So, to those of you who are SEGA fanatics, stop saying that this video is meant to ridicule the Dreamcast...


You need to do this again when the full game comes out.


I will say that the latest build runs MUCH better and is at least mostly on-par with the PS2s frame rate… we’re working on finishing the last bit of clipping this weekend, then another optimization pass, then, god willing, we can attempt the monster task of looking into the lighting.


For month this is quite a step on the Dreamcast. A traffic jam can be caused with all those vehicles present. Also seeing a plane in the sky during drive was pretty cool. Licensed vehicles names possibly as place holders. Chrysler 300m and BMW 5 Series...excuse me Mafia BMW 5 Series.


Since this port is evolving fast, i see no point in doing a comparison just yet.
There's a long way to go still.


Dreamcast is not ready yet. GTA 3 really fit well within ps2 hardware.


Damn! This would have been so cool back in the day!


This is ludicrous, the Dreamcast Port is barely an alpha that just started. I wouldn't be opposed after it is finished. But this is exactly why people get the wrong idea about stuff. This video is brought to you by Sony.


Dreamcast vs PS2 in GTA 3 is the best console crossover


I love watching your videos VCDECIDE. You do the best comparison between videogames platforms.


Love that you're showing off a fan-made labor of love. These folks truly do thankless work just for their love of whatever game they're a fan of, and get bashed so much for it not being optimized lol. You want it optimized? Offer to test it!


The PS2 was able to throw some many effects on the screen at once. Rockstar knew their way around the PS2 hardware.


Parabéns à equipe que está portando o jogo, pois comparado com outros jogos não-oficiais que foram lançados após a morte do Dreamcast, cuja maioria não atinge nem 10% das capacidades do videogame, esssa versão de Gta 3 está puxando os limites do aparelho, e tenho certeza de que terá muita coisa diferenciada para compensar alguma coisa que não puder ser portada do original...


23 anos depois ainda não entenderam que com toda tecnologia do mundo o Dreamcast não tanca um gta 3 lançado em 2001 para o Playstation 2.


It's not just that it is too early to compare, but also that there is already a better newer version of the DC port.


I had to check if my youtube video settings were not set to 360p. Those Dreamcast transition screens, title card, and newspaper clip looked extremely pixelated. It seems it struggling with the frame rate, with no enviromental lightning and lower res textures (if you could believe it) than the Ps2 version. But is a work in progress, we will see how much they can achieve.


Please show us the finished version when it comes out. Don't just bring us a part like this and say it's possible on Dreamcast.


If the Dreamcast can handle GTA 3, also can handle many more games that were released on the gen like all Sonic games, VF4 (based on the PS2 port), GTA Vice city, outrun 2006, the Simpsons Hit and Run, Yakuza, bully, nfs Underground 2 and more. DC will never die. Saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷👏🏻👏🏻
Excelente vídeo 👌🏻


Também vale ressaltar que hoje já tem uma versão mais atualizada que essa do vídeo!


I think that in the end, if they finish this port - it will look very similar to PS2, but without any post-process like the ghosted frames, etc.
