OLD vs NEW Update GTA 3 (Dreamcast vs Dreamcast) Gameplay Comparison

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"A side-by-side comparison between the old and new updates of Grand Theft Auto III for Dreamcast. The Old Update is from August 14, 2024, and the New Update is from August 16, 2024, and today is August 17, 2024. The Dreamcast port is still in development and is being made by fans.
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Left-Side = Aug 14, 2024 update
Right-Side = Aug 16, 2024 update
Given that today's date is August 17, 2024.


The devteam is totally watching these videos and are loving them!!! Thanks from all of us! Hell yeah, that was just a couple days, and we just got even more framerate improvements WITH more effects implemented which I will be pushing shortly!!!!


Your on a roll with updates. The Commentary is back!


You nailed the point, the GTA 3 port proves that Dreamcast was a fully 6th gen system and unmask all the Sony's claims about the lack of power of the Sega system as marketing bullshit. For some strange reason, after 24 years, there are Sony fanboys that doesn't accept this simple truth. Anyway the team behind this fantastic project deserve the admiration of the gaming community ( and a bright future in the videogame industry too)


Just so you know, the controls aren't complete just yet! I came up with the layout, and soniccd123 is still implementing them as we speak! The biggest thing is figuring out how to use combo buttons 😄 falco is actually getting the lighting model going now, and skmp is looking at sound! This is gonna be huge! like i said, and others said before, this is starting to literally look better than ps2, even without the lighting done yet!


I love Dreamcast, and the fact you post video updates of on of the most fantastic / interesting things that has happend in the Dreamcast scene ever made me follow your channel ! Keep up the good work and long live the Dreamcast <3


dreamcast is such a charming console. I might prefer saturn over it. But dreamcast left a mark on me. The games like msr, they where just unique. The music is so 2000 in that game. I prefer it over project gotham racing.


Wow, massive upgrade in the framerate. It's looking very good.


Was following up on this just now & this video pops up- just wow. Shout out to the Dev team & everyone helping the project.

I am more excited for this than anything in the modern gaming industry in years.
Salute to you guys for making history & don't worry about the crazy people- this project is a labor of love. it's still Dreaming 🌀


My Take. As someone who's not a expert on the business side of things. I say 1999 launch for the Dreamcast was not ideal. Here in the States 9/9/99 and "It's thinking' was effective marketing. Not to mention those commercials for Sonic Adventure and NFL 2K. Also a robust console with online capabilities. However the market was dominated by Sony and Nintendo with the original Playstation and the N64. Truth be told all the people I knew had either a Ps1 or N64 even both. However rumblings about Sony's Playstation 2 was being hyped for a 2000 launch. A system which was treated like the future with DVD playback and Backwards Compatibility with PS1. Whether Sega had cold feet to fight is hard to tell. If developers were offered exclusivity deals or just going with their guts in the video game market is difficult to say. If the Dreamcast was launched in the States in 1998 things probably could of bee different. Hard to say.


"What is this form of... power"

nice update... let's see when do they fix the graphics popping, because so far it improves like crazy


You wonder what happened, to cause the Dreamcast to stop getting new games? That's an easy answer! In January of 2001, Sega announced that they were getting out of the console business, and that the Dreamcast was being discontinued. That killed 3rd party developer interest in the system almost immediately. Why put out the effort to make more games for a system that's effectively dead when there is a brand new console out(PS2) and two more on the horizon?


I'm simply fascinated by how quickly the port is evolving, this is probably one of the most impressive projects I've seen overall.


It’s telling that my most wanted game right now is GTA3 Dreamcast. To say I was envious when my mate showed me GTA on the PS2 was an understatement you could see the time effort and love that went into this product it really was a groundbreaking game. I got this on Xbox with Vice city. Wishing the team all the best


Looking forward to the Project when completed. This may be the first step towards better DC development going into the future.


O port esta evoluindo muito rápido. Parabéns a equipe responsável!


GTA3 was rumored to have started development on Dreamcast.


Ouh man!, fantastic Release! We Dreamcast fans are like crazy. Just fantastic work, keep on working to refine it till being the best ever!


I agree I would like to know what happened to the Dreamcast in the last 12 months. They could make a movie out of it one day.



Evolução de performance surpreendente, o Dreamcast é muito Poderoso, só 2 anos e 4 meses de mercado, nunca seriam suficiente pra explorar o Poder Absurdo desse console...

Quanto aos batidores da descontinuidade dele, concordo plenamente com você, foi muito acelerada a sua saida do mercado, e a "proibição" silenciosa de qualquer novo lançamento de jogos de "Peso", para ele, talves para provavelmente não atrapalhar os planos da Sony e Microsoft, que ao meu ver, a Microsoft foi quem mais prejudicou ainda o Dreamcast nos bastidores, enquanto comercialmente o alto hype e marketing desinfomativo da Sony, "enfeitiçou" os gamers dos anos 2000, atrapalhando totalmente o Dreamcast comercialmente...

Parabéns ótimo vídeo, como sempre, abraços!
