Your brain doesn’t detect reality. It creates it.

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Brain Perception, Reality Creation, Mind Exploration, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience Insights, Perception vs Reality, Brain Functionality, Consciousness Unveiled, Mental Constructs, Reality Shaping, Mind-Bending Insights, Self-Discovery Journey, Neurological Wonders, Cognitive Processes, Unveiling Truths, Perception Shift, Reality Deconstructed, Mind Over Matter, Beyond Conventional Thinking, Conscious Experience, Illusion of Reality, Brain's Creative Power, Thought Patterns, Neural Pathways, Inner World Exploration, Neuroplasticity, Cognitive Revolution, Mindfulness, Perceptional Realities, Conscious Awareness, Reality Perception, Cognitive Exploration, Brain Mysteries, Psychology Insights, Mental Paradigm, Perceptional Shifts, Rewiring the Mind, Understanding Consciousness, Inner Reality, Cognitive Perspectives, Conscious Evolution, The Mind's Eye, Thought Reality, Perception Deception, Brain Unleashed, Cognitive Awakening, Unlocking the Mind, Reality's Illusion, Cognitive Insights, Mind's Creative Force

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I read a book called “awaken the immortal within” by Jason breshears, and there’s a section in it where he quotes an older author (forgot the name and book) where he states that the eye isn’t a detector or receiver of the outside world, but rather it is the projector, and the world is the screen. That stuck with me and I’m still wrestling with that idea.


Reality is your perception created by yourself!


my brain doesnt only creates reality, its thinkin about it xD Thumbs up


'everything appears to come from itself only to return with outstretched hands; so stretch out your hands to meet mine; we are one, like a shadow - remember?'
Thank you for all your videos ✌🙏


This topic made me think of the many different ways you could play a game where your a good person trying to save people, regardless of people’s actions and alignments. Good video!


Every perception is to some extent memory. Every memory is to some extent imagination. Narratives are the outcome.

Every choice we make generates a corresponding timeline of experience. Is the resulting narrative a limit or a creative guideline? No wrong answer - only another choice.

Dream it, feel it, do it.

Now is Eternal. Past and future are temporal.


Thank you for this. I found this extremely intriguing and informative. Much love


Just to share some experiences.
I bought a samsung g9. Its a 49 inch monitor with a curve. I only used that monitor for months leaving my old ones standing cold. After like 3 months i wanted to watch just some cable, my cable is only connected to my regular flatscreen tv. When i looked at it it was bended backwards, at least it wasnt but i percieved it like that cause my brain was used to experience a curved screen. After 2 weeks my perception looks normal again.
If you really focus for a long time to 1 point, u can change that little spot just with ur imagination.


Feeling is by soul..interpretation is by just a game of illusion


Thanks so much for the knowing, really appreciate it tremendously


Energy is ultimate reality...our minds are part of the energy field which can perceive it to our beliefs....something isn't isnt inherently good or bad...our perception makes it so..


The reason why we all perceive reality differently individually is because, from our own eyes, looking out is our personal Universe. (Literally)
Moreover, which is why we're told we are the World pushed out...


@raycosmic9019 👏👏🏾👏🏼 Bravo!!! Your whole comment screams:: "I need to write a book!" - "past & future are temporal." Pls write a book.🔥🔥🔥


If we human beings could see things as they are, we would see energy.
Can we change reality with an act of will? I don't know. Can we change our perception? Yes.


What a great insight in the self discovery process. I need an advice or a favor rather, could we please speak through email. Thank you


👁The idea that our belief systems shape our reality is fascinating but also kind of unsettling. Doesn't this imply that much of what we hold dear is just a construct of the mind and not objectively 'real'? What do you guys think?💭


We see the world as what and how we are conditioned like wearing glasses with differently tainted colours since conception and birth. Including conditioning by our DNA genes in every cell. We selectively pick up and process input data through our biases, prejudice and memory belief system [collectively our ego personality] stored in our subconscious mind. So virtually and habitually we are living in our past memory, out of touch with reality, unless we conduct our daily life and work with consciousness presence, fully aware of the here and now. How to see the world as what it is? The trick is to calm and shut up the constant distraction of our cloudy turbulent restless mind and abide in the here and now, This we call meditation or Zen. Quiet our mind, as our default state. Don’t let the past consume us!❤


When I hear your voice....all I can picture is Jared Harris in my head


Im going through this now but walking in the light and guides Christ spriits positive energy


I do believe we can create, but not yet. Not on this lifetime. I think we have to go through this maze of life and then we can apply and create. If we could all Create equally we would be trapped here by others. I believe the soul and spirit has to pass through the narrow gate in order to create… I do think we can obtain the ability to control our thoughts and emotions through understanding
