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We'll miss this reviews. You know, a more casual view of your opinions and stuff. But dont be sad that it ended, be glad that it happened!


I hate to be the person who posts an emotional youtube comment but here it goes.
I used to play board games with a group of friends but had a nasty fight after one of them screwed me over (long story, it's not board game related). I kept watching your videos anyway cause i really enjoyed board games in general. Fast forward, I moved to a different city and had to make a new life. There were gatherings of people playing board games here and I decided to check it out. Thanks to that I ended up not only playing board games again but also making friends in a new enviorment where I knew no one. And I feel you helped me because you reminded me of how much I enjoyed board games.
Congrats on the 300 episodes!


I can’t say I watched most of your board game videos, but I always loved seeing "new board game review". It always seemed like a ray of hope/calming. Just a guy talking about things he likes. I'll miss it.


I love the juxtaposition of the sad music with everyone laughing playing Looping Louie


As someone who has watched all 300 of the board game reviews I will sincerely miss them, however I completely understand your reasoning for stopping them. I have bought and loved many of the games you reviewed some of which are all time favorites which I never would of played otherwise. So thank you for making all 300 of the reviews.


My husband is absolutely obsessed with board games (our living room features SO many of them) so we always found your determination to post board game reviews despite them having much lower views deeply heart-warming. I once sent you a copy of Mainframe, which was our favourite board game at the time - I hope you enjoyed a couple of games of it, although I think given the way I've watched your tastes develop it wasn't your jam as much as it was ours. Of course, after all these years our tastes have changed as well - my favourites are Quacks of Quedlinburg and Wingspan, my husband's favourites are Dune Imperium and Lost Cities of Arnak.

I am glad you will continue to enjoy board games offline, and I hope your Patreon supporters will see the occasional update of your board game collection, because I'm personally always curious about what's making it to your table! These reviews have been lovely, thank you for keeping them up for all these years. 🥰


Aw, this is the reason I started subbing to you. Appreciate you sticking with them for so long! I'm pretty enfranchised but your video with your parents convinced me to give The Mind a shot and its become an absolute staple for me. Thanks :)!


I'll miss these. They were a major reason I got into board games in the first place. The bullet star review made me go out and pick up a copy. After that, I found dozens of other board game channels that sent me down the rabbit hole of modern hobby board gaming. And I've loved every second of it. Thank you.


I have loved every single of one of your single board game reviews. This 300 video archive will be kept for a review on any board fanes i want to try next


It's weird cause I actually search for these. Any time I play a game I like, I have to know what Mr. ProZD thinks. You've given some great recommendations. Congratulations on the 300 milestone, and what an absolute banger game to end on. Also last thing, but I loved that last message at the end. Some people don't understand the joy of simply playing a game with people you care about. You can see how easy it is to have fun when around the right people; hence the end segment of the video. I have a weekly tradition of doing the very same thing as well. Maybe one day I can grow my numbers as you have, and play an insane amount of board games, and enjoy every minute of it. Thank you for carrying us on your back all these years. You did good Mr. Voice Actor Man. You did good.


This is my first board game review I have watched from you and I am over the moon there's 299 more videos for me to watch 🙃


Was never into this kind of content myself, but really fucking sad that someone as popular as you (almost 4 mil subs) is suffering because of "tHe aLgOrItHm". Thank you for everything you do.


Looping Louie is driving a loop through my heart 😭.


I watched most of your board game reviews. Thanks for doing them for so long. Things can end and not be a failure. Congrats on 300!


I still have a folder with 20 some games you've reviewed that looked fun, that I haven't gotten around to play yet.
Thanks for the passion for the hobby!


These reviews are what got me interested in board games. I wouldn’t have a small collection of them in my closet, and I wouldn’t be playing on Board Game Arena if you hadn’t told me about the site. Thank you for your passion for this hobby.


Congrats on 300! Sorry to see the series end, but totally understandable. While I never really could get into board games myself it was great to see what was out there.


I will never forget the time I spent playing the board games you recommended me with all my friends. Thanks so much for all the good times you’ve given me! If you ever make a little channel about just playing and reviewing board games, I’ll be there. Thanks again man!


God I loved looping louie as a kid. I'd always play it at my speech therapy sessions


As sad as I am to see the end of board game reviews (which, as you point out, you are clearly passionate about) I'm glad you were able to go out on our own terms. I'll admit to not watching all of them but the ones I did watch I could feel your enthusiasm through your presentation. Thanks for the videos over the years!
