Insecurities and the benefits of overcoming them | Monther Salman | TEDxStChristophersSchool

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Overcoming insecurities can be a real challenge for most people. Living in our current world of highly polished photos and the pressure around us from all the social media sources just makes it almost impossible to be satisfied with who we are.
Everyone feels insecure from time to time, perhaps particularly in certain situations. You may feel that you’re not as attractive, intelligent, or well-situated in life as you could be. In my case, it was my weight. As a younger child I had no issue with weight, on the contrary, I was a skinny kid! At the age of 10 I stared to put on weight , I did enjoy food and did not mind eating at anytime until one day my older brother commented on how big I was becoming and that made me realize that I had to do something about it. I made a meal plan and exercised daily, as the weight continued to drop , I was more encouraged to persevere. I managed to lose 17kg at the end. My family and friends were astonished and kept commenting on how great and amazing I looked and everyone wanted to know how I did it and what was my secret. Well, simply it was pure determination and willpower.

Sharing my story is an attempt to encourage others to face their own insecurities, actively face the challenges and appreciate their actual abilities and talents.

My name is Monther Salman. I'm a 14 year old boy from Bahrain. I used to be fat and insecure but now that has changed. I hope to be able to motivate people and provide them with a way of overcoming their insecurities.

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