The Downfall Of Calcharo | WuWa 2.1

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00:00 Intro
00:35 What Does He Do?
02:18 Meta History
06:04 Why Is He Controversial?

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Bro carried me for two weeks when the game first launched, then i got Jiyan and i benched him, reused him again for Yinlin, dropped him for Jinhsi and then he was benched for good when they announced we were getting Xiangli yao for free.

Thanks for all the memories, Sephiroth from Wish.


i like him. i built him. and i just wait patiently for the eventual anti interruption character


Calcharo is the perfect example of Wuthering Waves combat and meta, imo in the sense that YOU define ur own meta, a high skill celing char is so damn meta in ur hands with the right setup and reading enemy moves to time things and i love it so much thats what makes this game so flexible compared with many gachas.


It's such a travesty... i pulled/chose Calcharo not due to his apparent strength at the time, but due to his design. Honestly, for me, design-wise he's on par with Jiyan... a strong male. I just love Sephiroth! With only 3 limited males (including Brant) it's a shame that Calcharo is just too difficult/awkward to play. I use him for lower levels of TOA occasionally and sometimes in the overworld - but apart from that, he's gathering dust.
Hopefully, with the New Federation region coming soon (which is where Calcharo is from), i'm hoping he'll be given some attention - potentially with a team-mate who'll be designed to sort out his problems. i would LOVE to play him to clear hard content in the game.
Seems like a waste of a great design. Sadly, I've always felt like XLY was given out for free as an apology for Calcharo 😥


Let's be real. If it wasn't for Calcharo being cool as fuck, wuwa pre-registration would've tanked. Day 1 people loved him, used him, did everything in Jinzhou with him. His play style was cool and fun. For the initial month or two of the game, nobody cared about the meta or how good a character was. Bigger things like optimisation and performance issues took the spotlight. Plus, the lack of dps characters then. Now the game has a lot of dps characters, all are meant to powercreep standard banner characters in some way or form, this is just how a gacha game works. I salute Calcharo for all he represented back then. Cool and fun enough to bring me into the game and make me stay. That's a big deal considering I was the main victim of all the horror stories about optimisation floating around back then. In a year from now, All the top tier dps are going to fall off and we're gonna have conversations about Carlotta and Camellya ever being good in the first place.


I don't personally believe in almost any game that a character being difficult to make use of dampening their placement in a meta. However, that may just be because of my fighting game background at high level in that context (which is where you'd only be attributing things most of the time) you'll tend to see a lot more consistency despite x character being more difficult to play or asking of more execution. In WuWa a lot can go wrong simply because you were at the wrong place at the wrong time with certain mobs/bosses, but it kinda just boils down to I guess the matchup in a sense. For example, Lingyang isn't particularly strong but he shines best against a single-target giant boss like the monkey or the electro mech boss and even some of the flying bosses because he can actually chase them in phases where some characters cannot. But that's in certain instances, I'm not entirely sure if I'm being real thorough here its just how I feel on the aspect of "difficulty" or even consistency.


I'm a big fan of Calcharo, i think the quick swap is the entire reason i play this game. Maybe it's cause i'm not a gatcha game player to begin with, I feel like other communities value difficulty alot more than what's 'optimal'. Kind of like how if you build a magic character in elden ring you're a baby lmfao. It helps that at his peak, hes a damn good character though. In my opinion, it feel so much more rewarding to overcome a boss than just put it through the jinshi/Camellya meat grinder lol.


I have him at S4. Quick swapping with him is so fun and satisfying. I understand why he is divisive and how he is considered "bad" but he still puts out damage, and looks sick


Something that wasn’t highlighted in his meta history is after shorekeeper, he did get the Nightmare Thundering Mephis as a great main echo option when back before the update the Void Thunder set had nothing good — it was actually pretty significant for Calcharo, not to mention Empyrean Anthem buffing one of his best teammate options being Yinlin; however since Xiangli Yao fills the exact same niche Calcharo does as a quickswap friendly electro liberation Main DPS, any buffs that apply to Calcharo apply to Xiangli Yao (and then you just have Xiangli Yao doing more damage in hypercarry teams, and having better options than Calcharo in quickswap teams like Changli).

All in all small nitpick which doesn’t affect anything that was said in the video in regards to Calcharo’s meta relevancy, which is only true because of Xiangli Yao being a better Calcharo and not needing Calcharo by his side at all, but still worth a mention.


Ive seen some leaks for future updates probably 3.0, calxulator finally will have companion quest so maybe kuro will implement buff for him kinda like srover. Though i Hope they change calculators dodge counter so it can generate stacks and concerto.


My bad take of the day: Calcharo was nothing more than a bait to attract as many idiots (like me) as possible, and incentivize them to get into WuWa and pull for the anime Sephiroth. He was then discarded and replaced by a free Xiangli Yao as soon as he fulfilled his utility.

Yes, it's uncorrect. Yes, it's unfair. Yes, I'm extremely salty.


I picked him in my character selector as i already got verina from the other one. I still use hik every tower reset to solo the first two levels of the side towers. Sometimes 3 levels.


Calcharo is the best Dps because when you hit that 4DMs with ChangLi, you genuinely feel like being on crack


I do not have Yninlin or Changli, so my best options for my xiangli yao (S1R1) is either Jianxin (her Ult buff matters even more thanks to the S1) or Calcharo. And in the tower, I often find myself having better clears with him than her... So it depends on the context I guess (when there is too much Aoe Jianxin brings so much comfort that it is just better)


I'm gonna build him because my Brant got used up for Middle Tower, and I need someone for lower floor clears, while I can use my Jiyan/Jinhsi/XY for upper floors.


I made a mistake of choosing hin from the free standard selector, I haven't used him since. He's lvl 1


I have not used Calcharo yet. I'm planning to do so if I get one on main.


If you dodge goodbye 4th dm if you dodge twice goodbye 3rd dm unless you ultimate freeze his timer


Calcharo would've killed everyone in the game in performance if he had half of the QoL they gave to XY. If the pre release version came out all the same, it would've been interesting to see how the game would've turned out. He had jiyan beat by a good margin pre-release, and jiyan at the time was meant to be the strongest dps. And even now, despite the borderline execution he got pre-release, he still in the right hands can compete with the best units in the game dmg output wise including his limited counterpart XY...that's fkn insane.

I do hope they end up going the PGR route and implement fixes/buffs to certain kits like reason why everything calcahro is punished and considered bad for is instead a point of praise for XY and a reward for him. Even if XY is limited the disparity is way too big imo.

Ofc calcharo isn't the only one in need of adjustments but he needs it the most imo. Even if the cn side are rly good with em that's not denying the issues in his design.


His kit and xiangli yao's is quite different actually. Xiangli Yao liberation ended based on how many he stacks and time. Meaning his liberation state will end either he combos 3 times or it ended. Calcharo on the other is solely using time. Meaning you can do 2 combos (DM) and the time ended compared to Yao, time is usually not a problem as even auto attk only you can get full combo thrice. Calcharo utilizes cancel tech heavily such as dodge cancel, swap cancel and even swap cancel liber for 4 DMs combo. Very difficult but very strong and only dedicated ones can utilize fully his kit. Ofc XY's kit is just better with CC and timestop but I'm just pointing out some fun facts about both of them.
