Unity Playmaker Tutorial - 2d Platformer Parallax Background

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In this Unity 2D Playmaker Simple Parallax Background tutorial, I'll take a look at setting up a Unity 2D Playmaker parallax. Parallax is setting up movement that will give you the illusion of 3D depth movement in a 2D game. I'll show how to use the Float Operator action to handle the math of using the Player Speed and multiplying that by a number to either make the background move faster or slower than the Player Speed. The we will use the Translate Position 2D action to move the individual parts of the far ground, mid ground, and the near ground.

These Assets are available for FREE on the AssetStore:

0:00 Introduction
0:41 Laying out the background parts
0:54 Starting our Playmaker FSM for Parallax
1:17 What is Parallax
1:31 Setting up Far Background by Adding a Float Operator action
2:38 Adding a Translate Position 2D
3:19 Adding Translate of Camera
4:23 Setting up Mid and Near grounds
5:43 Testing our work and conclusion

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Рекомендации по теме

Game with Parallax effect pretty awesome 👻


You made these assets? These are awesome 👌 thanks


Hi there,
It's NotaK here!
please make tutorial on How to make Endless map/level just like subway surfers and how to make games progressively hard using playmake


Could u make a tutorial for vertical parallax?
