Is Gus Fring Gay?

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It's time to settle once and for all the biggest question in the history of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul: IS GUS FRING GAY???

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Gus has the same amount of letter as "Gay"

And both words start with G. Case closed


Gus built a whole ass memorial fountain as seen in Better Call Saul in order to honor Max and people are still like “nah, they’re just good friends and he’s grieving in a totally platonic way”


as gus once said, "You guys ever had gay thoughts? lmao"


Everyone disagreeing with this must have forgotten about the 10 minute sex scene between Walt and Jesse in season 5, smh.


I thought Vince Gilligan said it was "up to viewer's interpretation, " which to me means a very nice way of saying "it doesn't matter whether he's gay or not, because it has no bearing on the story."


After watching ep.9 fun and games, I don’t doubt it now. He was hitting on the guy with the wine pretty hard, then got scared and left. Could be curious, and haven’t acted upon it yet.


After his flirt with the somelier at the Bar, the possibility of Gus being a gay man rapidly increased.


The thing about him being gay is that, although it has no bearing on the plot, it absolutely has meaning on a storytelling level. To have such a strong and important character trait not even be 100% clear speaks volumes about how reserved gus is about his personal life, and that everyone around him only knows “work gus”, cus “life gus” rarely ever shows his face. It’s one of the most clever uses of sexuality in media I’ve seen, since it doesn’t follow in either “irrelevant” or “important for characterization because we rely on cheap stereotypes about gay people”.


Calling someone a groomer for asserting a character in an 18+ show might be gay has got to be the most obvious homophobia lol


breaking bad fans will write dozens of pages of essays about their favorite character but lord forbid someone makes an implication that gus may or may not be gay and they lose their minds.


I honestly find it somewhat amusing (albeit in a depressing way) how passionately some people oppose the mere idea of Gus potentially being gay.


This is taking the "Historians will say they were close friends" meme to a whole new level XD


Gus is our gay psychopathic king and you can't take him away from us


The funniest thing is if Max was a woman people wouldn't even think twice at saying "Of course, Gus is doing all of this for his dead wife/lover". But since Max is a man, they gotta be besties, ain't no other way despite how clear some signs there are in the show. But if Max had been shown as a woman in the flashback you bet your ass people would pair them without hesitating.


I think Gus is a just a guy who keeps his personal life very private and occasionally slips up (like how we all have our vulnerable moments). It just humanizes the character and makes him more relatable. The show's treatment of Gus' sexuality is a breath of fresh air compared to how media portrays it nowadays. The reason why we don't get a lot of this side of Gus is that it's frankly none of anybody's business and that's how he likes to keep it, and it's also how a lot of regular gay people go about their personal life.


Gus’ homosexuality is like a Schrodinger’s cat.
It has no bearing on the story because he didn’t show himself to be openly gay all the time but it also has a total bearing on the story because 95% of Gus’ storyline is about him plotting his revenge because Hector killed his boyfriend.


Who cares if he's gay, he's a great character, that's what matters.


I thought it was clear because before killing Max, when Hector was pissing in the pool, he said they'd probably like that. I was confused, until I saw Gus's reaction to Max's death and I pieced together the strong implication. It also fits Gus's clothing style, the intensity and dedication of his revenge, and his lack of a wife and kids. Not to mention the video of steroid Gus...


I love the idea of referring to gus fring's revenge plan as trolling a old guy in a wheel chair.


I never really suspected Gus was gay until I saw online speculation. I assumed Gus and Max just saw each other as brothers, like the whole “found family” thing that was mentioned. To me it made sense, with having someone you see as your brother being killed as a good motivator for revenge, in addition to naming the restaurant “the chicken brothers.” Even after seeing BCS 609’s wine scene I didn’t initially see anything romantic about it.

Despite that I see how Gus can be interpreted as being gay. There are clues. It makes sense as well. I think it’s nice that they didn’t explicitly give us an answer in the show as to whether he’s gay or not. If people want to think he is gay/not gay, they’re both valid interpretations. The viewers can choose to interpret it in whatever way that allows them enjoy the show more
