Toast’s Becomes Self Aware

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Now I know why he was so calm all the time


its so nice that hes comfortable talking to his friends about stuff like this


I’ve been off weed for about almost a month and it’s been really tough but hearing toast going through it too actually makes it feel less alone, you go king 👑


Sadly, toast still struggles with a massive heroin addiction


*me nodding with approval as I hit this joint


Every good stoner knows how important a tolerance break is. 😅


I quit weed entirely over a year ago for the exact same reason. I started using it to help me sleep and then one day I forgot to restock and ran out and it gave me a really bad anxiety attack and I realized I had become dependent on weed and it was a problem so I quit and haven’t even wanted to touch it since


I'm glad people are realizing you can still be addicted to weed. Way too many people smoke everyday constantly only to go "oh yea no, it's fine cause it's not addictive" like no mf, I don't remember the last time I saw sober


Remember, physiological addicting is all that's necessary for a drug to be labeled "addictive" but there are psychologically addictive things as well. Many chronic weed consumers develop an emotional and mental dependency on the drug out of perceived necessity.

Edit: I thought I should add this in since I'm getting some funny arguments in the comments. Cannabis has indeed evolved alongside humanity for a handful of millennia as far as we know, however, this is hardly a factor for most arguments. Just as current history is an abnormality with its antagonization of weed, it is also an anomaly as weed was almost exclusively used medicinally and recreationally prior. In other words, both using it too little and using it too much is considerably strange. The coevolution of the plant and us begs the question of the relationship. Some have compared it to the relationship between humans and honey or, at best, pets. It's both unnecessary but helpful in its own ways. Why extend my comment: Some guy actually compared Weed to Water which is completely incorrect and potentially dangerous. Another few things to remember, weed is dangerous for underdeveloped bodies. In other words, you shouldn't smoke weed until your mid twenties so none of your mental or physical development is stunted or damaged. Another thing, there is an official disorder where one over-relies on weed and apparently 3 in every 10 consistent consumers fall under this disorder.

Moral of the story, everything is better in moderation. Don't fall to peer pressure. And do your own research ensuring it's as inclusive as possible.


He is no longer a toat, now he is bread, because he is not baked anymore


Quitting weed was the best thing I've done. No more anxiety, short term memory is back, dopamine level decreased, and no more cloudy minds.


here i am thinking toast's weed is just a cabbage leaf.


I had a very similar experience aswell, and once I realized I could sleep w/o it and it was just my body craving it, it changed my relationship with the substance. Now, it’s only on weekends for me, and since I’m having way less my tolerance is much lower, which means I don’t need to consume as much either. Saves me money and I am more productive during the work week


Toast proves me more and more everyday why I stan him and why my love and respect for him keeps increasing each day.


The same reason I’ve been trying to stay sober. I started in March telling myself it was just to relax a bit and see how it would make me feel emotionally. Quickly went from a nightly thing to an all day thing, I started doing it at work, couldn’t go a day without it. I smoked way more than I ate or drank at some point, and that’s when I knew I had to stop.


as someone who smokes weed, and also has a problem with it, i can definitely say weed is a drug. plants can be drugs... that's where most of them come from. nothing is good in excess, and weed isn't always bad! remember that

edit: glad to know there's people out here who can comprehend what i said and who i said it to :) what i said is an obvious fact that A LOT of people don't believe.


Good thing it wasn’t sleeping pills cause those really mess you up


Bro I haven't been sober for almost 20 years, and my viewers on stream are just casually gonna watch as I stop


ive been having sleep paralysis because i stopped after years of use. it can seem like such a small change to stop but can cause problems if you become too independent. I just woke up 10 minutes ago from a nightmare where i was fully aware of my real surroundings and couldn't move. be careful yall


As a European that only watches American entertainment I feel like taking weed has been over normalised in America anybody I watch talks about taking some.btw I’m not critisizing anybody I’m just making a observation
