The Time a Christian Visited a Psychic...

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Did I ever tell you guys about the time I visited a Psychic... while claiming to be a Christian?

This stuff isn’t just happening to the general public or new agers. I claimed to be Christian and went to church often. I never read my Bible and was completely dependent on experience and feelings to guide me. I didn’t think visiting a psychic reading was wrong at all. There are a LOT of people who claim to be Christians who believe this same thing. Is this wrong? Hopefully, through my story, I can relay my thoughts on this.

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I once had a tarot reading done while being a Christian. I have a friend who's very into all that and really wanted to do a reading on me. I kept telling him no, I'm a Christian and I don't believe in doing that. He kept pestering me and pestering me about it, though. So finally, I cracked, and I said, "Fine, I'll let you do this for me, but let me be clear that I don't believe in it and I want you to leave me alone about it after this" and he agreed. So he shuffled his deck and asked me to draw a card, and I did. He had me flip it over, and guess what was on it? A picture of Jesus. So I showed it to him and said, "See, I told you so!" and he looked rattled and put his cards away. He never said a word about it again. I have to admit that I thought it was both hilarious and kind of awesome. Even the devil knows what's what.


Some Christians don’t realise that just consulting a psychic is dreadfully rebellious against God 😬 I had a pastor tell me he had been to a medium and that’s horrifying.
As a former psychic medium, I could get detailed accurate information about people’s lives, but rarely divine the future. Deuteronomy is my favourite book because it saved me from deception.


“God does not protect us from willful sin” thank you


God works on 100percent accuracy and nothing less. That's how great my God is.


I didn't really start to dig deep into my Bible until this year, and it amazes me just how much I was missing out on. I never went to see a psychic, but occasionally I read my horoscope. I figured reading and actually believing were completely different things. One leads to the other.


“If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass, and if he says, ‘Let us go after other gods, ’ which you have not known, ‘and let us serve them, ’ you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams. For the Lord your God is testing you, to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice, and you shall serve him and hold fast to him.” -Deut 13:1-4 ESV

The verses Melissa is referring to.


My grandma was a psychic, but not the kind that was paid for it. She foretold things and it happened. I become a christian at the age of fourteen and had not yet joined a church, so I did not know a lot about what was in the Bible, though I had started to read it. Grandma had started to learn me how to use the cards to foretell the future( just common cards that are used when you play. One night I and my grandma slept in the living room, she on one sofa and I on the other. I was awake, reading the bible and praying for a sick onkel of my, when suddenly the room went frezing cold. I turned my head to see if the door to the veranda was open, and when I did, at the side of grandma, I saw a figure just looking like my grandma, standing beside my sleeping grandma. And the eyes of the figure was red and filled with hate and it wanted to reach me and hurt me. Suddenly I heard a voice in my head telling me " Do not be afraid". When I turned my head I saw an angel dressed in whinte ( no wings at all) standing at the end where I had my head. The andgel was helding up his hand and was the one who stopped the horrible figure to hurt me. It all vanished as suddenlu as it had apperad. Late on I come to understand that the figure I saw was the demon that was possesing my grandma and the one who was working her future telling. Now I know what is behind all that kind of stuff. As a christian one shall keep away fron that kind of stuff. There are gifts in the Holy spirit so there are no need for christians to search help from Satan.


Demons "know things" too. The actual translation of demon means "replete with wisdom". So it should be no surprise that mediums who "hear" from knowledgeable spirit guides (or whatever they want to call them) are hearing from demons.


This reminds me of the story when Saul went to the lady that can communicate with the dead to see Samuel again. I like the fact that God allowed Samuels spirit to be shown but in doing so it made Saul and the lady very terrified. Gods always in control!


I'm sorry for your loss concerning your cousin such a young soul.


You don't understand how much I needed this because Im in a really emotional season in my life in regards to love and I was starting to get curious AGAIN with tarot reading. I use to be consumed with watching readings on youtube and i even paid a couple of times for private readings... Wow. I never want to be a slave to that and disrespect God like that. Again thank you for sharing and reminding me that God seeks for us to turn to him for everything at anytime. God Bless You Melissa!!!!


As a young non Christian teenager I was kind of engulfed in New age and witchcraft around me. My mother would burn specific colored candles in order to create something or a specific energy. The lady that helped raise me was an atheist whose closest friends were witches, psychics and the like. One if her friends did a tarot card reading on me when I was about 15 or 16. Told me about a guy that would wreak havoc in my life. I asked if he was going to kill me because the boyfriend I had at the time was abusive. She said no. He the relationship would end. She gave a few more specific details. And I obsessed over it for a while and then forgot. When I was 17 I believe that relationship came to fruition. Although it didn't dawn on me until years later. I had basically forgotten the reading. One day as a married adult Christian with kids of my own I recalled her reading to my mind again. And honestly it felt gross. It was accurate. But with a adult perspective and a biblical world view I know now that she was definitely getting her information from darkness.


My mother is Christian... She sees things through prayer... She told me I needed a mammogram at the age of 37... NO breast cancer history on either side of my family... I didn't even carry the cancer gene... But yes because of my moms vision the doctor found my cancer at the early stages... And four years later still cancer free 🙌🏽


I did the same thing, I went to a physic as a Christian, she said in a roundabout way it was ok to be with a man in question, cause God brought this man into my life! 😳 he was married and so was I at the time. I told her it’s in the Ten Commandments not to commit Adultery! She said she follows Jesus too. It’s 😵‍💫🥺🤯 that’s why we need to stay in the word and not bend to make excuses for sin!!


My father went to see a witch/ psychic (her description, not mine) years ago. He was VERY impressed because she knew about his deceased mother and told him that he survived his nearly fatal Peterbilt truck crash because his mother was looking over him and basically kept him alive! My dad recommended I call this psychic to find out what is causing my trigeminal neuralgia, which was tempting for a while, but I decided against it. Our Lord doesn't participate in darkness of any form... and this stuff is DARK! It's like playing with a Ouija board. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!


Melissa, your comment about hoping to get a 'jump-start' (I paraphrase - badly!) w/out having to read the Bible very much resonates with the way 'prophecy' has been used & abused for years by junkies desperate for 'a word' w/out having to read the Bible and pray. For many years I watched the gift being adulterated & substituted for 'clairvoyant' purposes and believe the church has a lot of repenting to do for its sinful & deeply carnal misuse of His gifts! Thank you for sharing this!🙏❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


24 years ago I was bullied into going to a psychic by an older woman who claimed to be a Christian! Her tactic was to book & pay before she told me, then use that fact to manipulate me to go.
I knew I was disobeying God, but I went because I felt guilty that I "inconvenienced" this lady. I was a fool.
Everything the psychic said to me came true 18 months later, but what was painted as a dream became a nightmare.
I never want to disobey God ever again. The ramifications of the decisions I made are still affecting me to this day.
It is only due to His eternal love & mercies towards me that God has forgiven me. I can never repay Him for what He has done for me.
God's way is the ONLY way! When He says "no" it is for our benefit. Please believe that 😔


My experience was with a Queja board. It kept asking me to invite him in. The enemy would tell you friend they they were walking the correct path away from God. I am an excop and walked in evil for a long time. I know both side. Praise God I was savied.


Many years ago, I was in a very depressive state. For my birthday, I went to a palm reader. I have no idea how long I was in there, but she knew things, deep painful things. Like she'd been beside me my whole life. By the end of it, I put $350 on a credit card, had crystals and some ingredients for a ritual I was to perform before I went to bed. I sat on the bed, lit the thing, and started to say the chant. I felt, physically felt, something try to pierce my chest. That scared me. I wrapped it all up in foil, hunted the giant family bible I'd inherited, threw it in there, apologized to the God I knew didn't love me, and barely slept all night. The next morning I threw it in the dumpster and went to work. When I got home, it was in the middle of my living room floor. I freaked completely out. That was the beginning of my journey to God. Piercing the Darkness is a pretty decent book that, I believe, describes how that works. I appreciate your openness and I'm glad you're ok. I hope your friend is, too!


NEVER ever ever dabble with anything like this. When I was 8 yrs old I dabbled with an ouija board. It was the WORST decision of my life, albeit neither me nor my parents knew any better. At one point the demons I was communicating with told me what my newborn cousin's gender and name were; i.e. all my mom knew was that her sister had a baby - didn't know the gender nor the name. This was in 1970 when long distance phone calls cost a lot of $ and it was still cheaper to send a telegram. My mom got a telegram from my grandmother but all it said was that my aunt had a baby. So me and my brother asked the Ouija board "boy or girl" and it said "boy" but since that was a binary 50 / 50 question, we asked it what the boy's name was. It spelled out "Aaron". The next day my mom called the hospital and asked her sister what she named the baby. Yep, she had a boy and named him "Aaron". It was at this time that weird "poltergeist" things began to happen in the house like the furnace switch being turned off repeatedly to the point where my dad got mad because he thought me and my brother were doing it. I grilled my brother but he thought I was doing it. Needless to say we were both really freaked out by this. This was also when I began to feel a very disturbing presence when I was alone in one part of the house; i.e. the feeling that someone is in the room with you and you turn around expecting to see a sibling or one of your parents but no one is there physically but the presence is still just as strong. It was really bad at night and there were nights where I didn't sleep at all because I was tormented by these spirits. You see, I didn't understand that I had unwittingly opened the door to them and given them a certain degree of power to manifest in me and in our home. Five years later when I was in my teens I was in abject rebellion and was doing a lot of drugs. At that point I became fascinated with what witchcraft could bring me in power. I went back and forth on whether to get into it because on the one hand I was filled with lust for power but on the other hand I remembered what had happened when I had dabbled with an ouija board five yrs earlier. I went back and forth on what to do until a BIZARRE demonic manifestation in our house convinced me not to. My younger sister woke up one morning with a perfect ring of water, 5" in width on the carpet all around her bed and on the ceiling. This really freaked us out as me and my brothers were trying to figure out how on earth this was even possible but deep down in my heart I somehow knew it was directly connected to my obsession with the occult. I now know that this was an attempt by these demons to lure me into witchcraft by giving me a sign. I was still obsessed with my lust for supernatural power but the fear I had that these might be evil spirits outweighed my lust. Five years later I was born again. The demons that were within me got kicked out but then came back a year later with w a vengeance. It was only then that I realized just how deeply entrenched they had been in my life prior to being born again. What ensued was an epic spiritual battle with these things that lasted for a year. What I now know is that had I given into these demons as a non believer and went deep into witchcraft I don't know if I ever would have become a follower of Jesus. If you have dabbled in these things and have not repented of it, REPENT NOW. Ask the Lord to forgive you and surrender EVERYTHING to Him. RENOUNCE any and all connection to the occult OUT LOUD and destroy ANYTHING in your house that is directly connected to the occult like tarot cards, ouija board etc.