Let's talk about donations, precarious labour, and praxis

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Before donating, please watch the entire video, and make sure that you understand the ground rules.


00:00 – Intro
01:07 – Ground rules for donations
05:33 – Precarious labour
14:39 – Praxis

Music added:
Character Creation: Demon’s Souls OST
Secret Betrayal: Dark Souls 3 OST


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Рекомендации по теме

As a mostly silent viewer for the past 2 years or so, I just want to say that your style of videos is so unique and refreshing all while cultivating this awesome community is insane.

I'll continue to support you how ever I can, for as long as I can.


I'd say, that this is an example of an honorable and proper way to announce these sorta things. Well done, Friend.


Aegon, I have to say, you are both an amazing person as well as an amazing youtuber. Your ability to find your niche in the large souls community by using your abilities as an educator to create wonderfully made lecture-like videos on video game content is astounding. I’ve always thought that if souls ever becomes too tedious or tiresome for you, I would love the let’s talk lore format on really anything, video games or otherwise, and I’m sure this isn’t a opinion tied only to me. I’m just hoping that this comment lets you know that it’s really your personality as an educator that shines through on your content. Best of luck on everything you pursue, and I hope to see many more videos from you!


Thank you for everything you’re doing, your content has gotten me through some hard times. I’m glad to be able to show a bit of love. Take care and continue the fight!


I'm sorry to see that this is happening to you and your fellow educators. I've loved your content for a long time now for its insightfulness and for your incredibly kind and laid-back personality. I hope that your situation turns up and I wish you the best for your dissertation! You got this!


This is the most well thought out and executed patreon announcements I've ever seen, I'm glad you are finally accepting donations Aegon.

There are many people who would love to see you receive monetary recompense for your hard work on this channel.

P.S. How do you get the "fun with definitions" intro to have the same perfect vibrato every time???


I don't know if we ever chatted about it, but I'm super Pro-Union and have worked with Unions in the past. I stand in solidarity with your Local as well as all the other Educational Locals across even the United States that are taking to task the terrible state of their systems. I know the strike is hard but you are doing great work in taking the Board to task.


...and I'm just sitting here appreciating how well-structured this video is. You truly are a great educator and as someone who dabbled in teaching out of financial necessity but without real passion I have great respect for you. I wish you all the best and hope you can live without having to worry about your security very soon.


Honorable and a good man. This is why I watch every video you put out. Much love aegon


Aegon, I found your channel just a few months ago, when I first played Bloodborne and wanted to learn more about the lore.
Your kind, friendly and humble nature (and the great quality of your videos) made me stay, and now I try to watch every video you made.
I hope everything works out fine for you in the end, and I‘m happy that there‘s a way for us now to make things a little bit easier for you.
Greetings from Germany.


I hope your situation gets back in order man. Will do what I can to support :)


Solidarity bro, with you in the struggle. This was such a well done video


I'm so sorry you're going through all this, buddy. I have a parent who is a college professor, and I grew up thinking I would enter academia too, but I started seeing the warning signs. My parent was a negotiator for the teacher's union at the school, I created and hosted the union website when I was a teenager, I picketed a few times, but it was a losing battle in the end and I watched it all fall apart in the face of administrators and their predatory lawyers. I had a lot of reasons not to pursue academia besides this, but with my financial circumstances, being an adjunct was just not an option for me at all, so I gave up academia before I was even finished with high school. Even so, I wish I could still take part in supporting learning because I do believe in it and improving our education system, and it really fills my heart with joy to see an educator like you working and making so many peoples' lives that much better. I am so happy to support you in any way I can through this hard time.

In terms of Patreon, I can offer at least this much in terms of my experience - I make a webcomic and I started a Patreon to go with it back in 2014. I have a really small audience, but they are very dedicated and kind. I do try to provide rewards, but hands down the most frequent feedback I've received about rewards tends to be something along the lines of, "I only want to donate/support you and receive nothing in return, I don't want a reward." Lots of folks simply want to help things that they like continue existing without receiving anything in return, and that feeling of contribution is its own reward for them. What I mean to say is, your video is really clearly and compassionately stated, and I think many among your viewers are in complete agreement with you. ❤️


Thanks for the updates Aegon. That situation you are in sounds just awful. It's a time like this where I wish I had free money to donate to the people who give me new content regularly, because you'd be donation number 1. Your lets talk lore series got me through the growing pains of a new job by keeping me grounded in a subject matter I loved while learning something new. So thank you for what you do and know that I, like many others, wish we could give more than just a thank you and a showing of support. We love you, keep up the good fight! :If that situation of mine changes, you will get some funds, sir. I hope it does so I can do my part in helping what I call a friend. :D So thanks you again for doing what you do. You're a good human.


I just want to say that I have always loved your work since it snuck it's way into my suggested list while I was binge watching Bloodborne playthroughs a few years back, and it means A LOT to me you you are someone who is willing to admit when they need help. I've seen a lot of people struggle needlessly because they couldn't admit as much, hell I've even lost someone close to me because they would rather end their life then admit they needed help. I guess it's just something of a relief to know that you're able to do this. And please know that we have your back!


There was a time some years ago, when I was afraid I’d never make it out of a dark place let alone make it out alive. It was then I asked a community for help and the outpouring of friends and neighbors saved not only my life, but my passion to do everything to help others. I’ll never be able to pay back the help given to me, but I can certainly pay it forward.

We’re here for you and each other, even if it’s a bunch of internet strangers that just love games. You’ve cultivated such a great community, and I am more than thrilled to do what I can!

I run a patreon personally, and half of the reason I do is it let’s me fund others I love supporting <3 I hope things turn for the better soon. (Also that wave sequence made me tear up, geeeeze you’re talented with film direction). If you ever need anything, I’m a keyboard away, friend!


Though I'm not glad that you're in this messy situation, I'm over the Moon that you took this uncomfortable step with such class and dignity. I've been wanting to throw some of my hard earned money your way for two years! You and this community have helped me through a year long bout with severe depression, and your value system and teaching methodology have certainly influenced my own. Thank you again for all you do and have done all of us. Having a friendly, kind, intelligent community to fall back on is vital, especially in the chaotic society I live in down in Southern California. Keep being you, man.


I really, really hope things will get better soon! I'm very happy you decided to allow donations: your amazing content and thoughtful insight have been much appreciated during the years I've been following your channel, and I'm glad to give a little back.


Really touching video, and I'm awfully sorry to hear about the hardships you're enduring. Your channel has helped me through a lot of unemployment woes and mental health problems (I know, I know I've thanked you before) but I wanted to say this reaffirm that what you stand for and are passionate about matters and is very noble. You're on a hard path but one well worth it, and it took a lot of courage to make this I'm sure. I hope everything eases up for you soon Aegon :)


Your souls community is the most less toxic i've ever seen.
