6 Nail Gun Mistakes You Should Avoid | Brad Nailer Tips

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6 Nail Gun Mistakes you should avoid as a beginner woodworker new to air nailers
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If you’re learning to use an air nailer, brad nailer or nail gun you don’t want to make these mistakes! Know the right gauge nailer to use as well as the correct nail length. And are cordless nailers as good as air nailers? Find out the answers and more in this nail gun beginners guide and mistakes to avoid.

Music Licensed through Epidemic Sound
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What other tips and tricks videos would you like to see? It was fun deep diving into one tool/technique.


oh my god, the blue tape trick is so obvious and genius yet it's never occurred to me.


DUDE! WHAT?! The last minute is gold, man. It never occurred to me to turn the gun! Seriously, though, this is a great video. Incredibly informative. Thanks a bunch!!!


I've never heard of the "shoot the nail perpendicular to the board"....that was really awesome and will go in to my mental bank for sure.


This video makes me want to go downstairs right now and just start nailing the daylights out of all my scraps. Only because after watching this I realize how many mistakes I've been making over the years! Another great video, thanks Brad!


A 2+ year old video that I just happened across -- and wanted to say a belated "thanks" for the last tip about nailing "sideways" to the board to avoid blowout. It makes perfect sense, but I never thought about it. So thanks for that.


This guy is just great! He's practical, uses a lot of common sense and owns up to his mistakes. In fact his mistakes are some of the best teaching tools he uses, where he shows his mistakes and how we can avoid them. That tape trick is so so smart, glue is one of the biggest headaches. Nailing on edge it is also easy to blowing a nail out the side, turning your nail gun perpendicular to your piece lessens the chance you will blow a nail out the side, especially if you not straight up and down and shooting at an angle! This 15 minute video will save me money and time, not having to replace something I screwed up. My granddaughter, ready to go to college, needs a desk and I've been tasks to build her one, that I want it to last her, well at least until she reaches my age, but even longer! Thanks man, the desk I'm making for her is a desk I downloaded from you, except if will be made of all hardwood and a couple other modifications! She want's to help build it and I'm hoping I might interest her into woodworking, because as I've told her, all my equipment, which is plenty, it's all going to be hers when I'm gone! Hey, thanks man!


I’m here because I got a nail in my finger from blowout the first time using a Brad nailer 😅 Should’ve watched this first! Thanks for the tips bud 😃


Oh man, the last tip was golden! I never thought of the shape of the nails having effect on the blow out! I followed your advice and didn’t had a blowout since. Thnx a bunch!


I love the 'nail into blue tape' tip and the tip to orient the gun perpendicular to the board.
Both were excellent tips and you did an excellent job explaining them.
Also, thanks for mentioning the differences in prices between the different battery operated nailers.


I recently got into construction/carpentry after I lost my business during covid. I loved it and was eager to learn. Unfortunately one of the boss guys was the biggest tool you could ever meet and I had to get out! I was watching your video and I could imagine you on the job with an apprentice. Your ability to teach is impressive man! What I would have given to learn from someone with your passion to pass it on! Great video!


Thank you for taking the time to put this video together. I never thought about how the Brad nails are less likely to bend up/down vs left/right, as mentioned in you last tip. Thanks man! Keep up the great work!


The blue tape thingy was the #1 take away. Nailing at a perpendicular was a close #2. Thank you. Awesome, helpful video.


The perpendicular to the board tip is a game changer. I never understood why some projects were a breeze with no blowouts but others had every other nail blow out. So frustrating! I thought the problem was inferior wood. I never realized I was nailing in different orientations. Maybe now I'll give my brad nailer another chance. Thank you!


Invaluable advice about wood grain direction and orientation of the nail gun. Never thought about it before, but it makes total sense. Very timely... Fairly new to the nail gun and been working on a project, and it really helps to know * why * it blows out sometimes and not others. cheers!


Hi Brad,

Your channel was a "relatively" new find for me. This particular vid was short, to the point and excellent. It prompted me to backtrack and mark many of your 'earlier' vids for a watch as soon as I get time. Rapidly becoming one of my fave channels!

Appreciate your efforts! Thank you.

Paul, Cambridge, UK


Very timely as I was just about to do a project with my air nailer! I never thought about the perpendicular method before (nor blue tape). Thanks!


You’ve just saved me for the remaining 14 winter theme lanterns I’m making for the nursing home I work at. The first 16 have driven me insane with blowout - I’ve now turned the gun perpendicular and voila - no blowout ! (Then again, everything is a learning curve and I’m now a pro at covering my blowout mistakes…lol) Thanks so much !


Thank you so much. Just learning my brad nailer, and masking tape tip and
Driving perpendicular to board is s life saver! I've had a couple blow outs and now I know why. Thank you for teaching and old dog new tricks.


I've been using a brad nailer for years and never thought of either the tape or the perpendicular shot. Thanks!
