Grandmaster Lessons from 3 Thousand Hours of Kovaak's Aim Training

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Aim Training can be mastered just like any skill, but mastering aim training would take a lot longer than just 3 thousand hours of aim training, no matter how long that may seem it's a fraction of the ten thousand hours required. Still, there's a lot I learned over the years of aim training and even though I had to relearn an entirely new mouse grip after taking months off trying to heal my pinkie I've been able to not only return to my old score levels but set some new high scores as well.
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the expansion compression explanation probably saved me from quitting aim training
thank you mr void


Hey man, really great job. I think I personally relate a lot to the section about expansion and compression. Back when I first started aim training, I too had a lot of doubt, especially when I hit the first stage of compression. However, I was deeply committed to getting better aim, since I had exhausted my capacity to take all other avenues of improvement for my in-game performance. If the aim trainer attempt failed, then I failed as a gamer. I kept with it through the hardest moments and came so far. I appreciate you motivating other players to stick to the grind despite it slowing down. Really insightful.


Compression periods are just as satisfying as hitting a PB tbf. It may suck for some who only play for PR's but seeing your floor getting closer to current ceiling is pretty dope rather than cheese a score and rely on playing 1 scenario for 3h just for lucky run.


This actually makes so much sense when you think about how the military train their soldiers. Yes, they do practice shooting under controlled environments, but more often than not, they're teaching them how to shoot and perform under simulated stressful scenarios.


"videogames are supposed to be played for fun"
this guy:


Appreciate the content. Hope to see you on my feed more often !


Thanx for clearing that up! I was so stressed for not improving my scores when I have already tapped into my highest score. Now I can just relax and let the stress go and embrace the failures. When there's an ending there is always a new chapter to a better beginning...


This is a very insightful video, even though I quit aim training I still love watching your videos.


Damn I got back into gaming again and saw your channel last week and saw no upload for a year(around the time I stopped too) good to have you back


This is a fantastic video and needs more views. Subconscious aiming while focusing on what's going on is key (so long as your goal is to improve at your game of choice). People wonder why aim training is not helping their in-game success while 60%+ of their conscious attention is spent on aim and not the game. It's like thinking that you can win a chess game by only thinking about how you are going to physically move each chess piece vs actually thinking about the gamestate.


great video explaining what you went through. i had it opposite and was leaning more towards total solitude while aim training. you explained the reasoning very well though so I will give it a try in future sessions!


Do you have any close friends in the space?

I’m not exaggerating at all when I say the amount of experience you’ve gained from this personal experiment over the past year or so might help people make great strides in outlining a more productive way to teach & train people moving forward, especially absolute beginners in education, medicine etc.


Nice. This makes so much sense. But, what exactly do you focus on consciously during aim training? 3:25 what "other things"?

When playing games, I had fallen into the habit of thinking too much when aiming. I would remind myself specifically not to think about aiming and it helped a lot. I think I'm over that now; but, its really hard to do the same thing with aim training, as as you said theres nothing else going on.


Had a vague intuition of this expansion and compression topic u mentioned after experiencing it once, but hearing it from 3000+ hrs of experience person just makes it all the better and clear.

Also your thoughts on sub-conscious and conscious aiming is interesting.
My understanding of aim training has improved alot, just watching this video.

Also I am curious how many expansions did u have in your journey to GM?
Great work man


Thank you dor the insight, yea compression/expansion period is real, thats ehat in facin rn. Stuck on jade scores for years, but low score ceiling is goin up


I have been in the compression period for years now.


what do you think of the book called thinking fast and slow?


how good have you gotten compared to before? (Since last upload)


I have a question, this may be out of topic but I've been thinking is I am bad at tracking aim routines and I'm telling myself that maybe because that I'm bad at it is because of my peripherals (I'm using a 60hz still, mouse is pretty good ). Do you think that good peripherals will make me better at tracking routines? Because I constantly tell myself I just need to practice and practice and that I don't need expensive gear to make myself be great at tracking.


in games like cs2 ignore this advice be aware of what your aiming at all times. This thought process only works for run and gun games like cod. I have 1.2k hours and 2300~ elo on faceit. not focusing on what your aiming on in general would be a bad way about going about it. Once you have good gamesense it all comes down to whether you are going to hit your shot or not. Thanks for listening to my ted talk.
