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This is my take on the Altoids tin mini EDC. I have a regular size one that I've also done on my channel and Im happy to say I have this one now. This is every thing you need for a survival situation. Its not your average emergency kit. All of the links are listed in a blog post and are found on Amazon. Let me know if I miss one.


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Put your flashlight on the key chain, that way you can shine it into the kit if you need something in the dark.


😍 have you considered selling these kits pre-made for those of us terrible at packing Tetris? 🙋🏼‍♀️


Hi! 65M EDC and gadget nerd. I love your channel and ideas- I always leave them with a bunch of new ideas! I love the small clear bags- stealing that idea for sure! It is also great to see someone else use the Wisp toothbrushes in their kit.

If I were making a bag like this, I would replace the ball-style compass with a button compass (smaller, generally more stable). Maybe the water purification tablets with P&G packets which help settle sediments as well. Ibuprophen works better as a general purpose pain reliever for most people than Tylenol. Fire starting- the SparkLite tool is a lot smaller than the one in your kit and comes with more tinders, and if you cut the ends off the matches you could seal the bag for better water resistance. That would save me a bit of space and weight.

You mentioned the chain, and the mini-paracord. You could replace the chain with a length of paracord tied into an interesting lanyard to replace the chain and provide some cordage as well.The mini-cord does not come in as many fun colors, but there are a few available. Another option would be to use Kevlar cord instead of paracord. This is a really strong thick thread that can be used for sewing, shoe lace replacement, tied to a magnet to fish things out, etc. I have a couple large-eye needles pre-threaded with a few feet of Kevlar cord, and a small 'hank' of about 15' with a piece of heat shrink tubing to hold it together but it would also fit nicely in one of the small clear bags.

Screwdriver- I might look for something smaller. I have a tiny eyeglass repair tool with a reversable head (not sure where I got it). I wrap my duct tape around a piece of clamshell plastic packaging I cut to a size to fit my bag (usually a credit card size or so- nice and flat!)

Flashlights. I go back and forth with myself on this. I tend to find my rechargeable flashlights dead in my kits, so I have gone to some of the inexpensive, bright, and light AAA flashlights like the Lumnitop EDC01. (I TRY to standardize all my gear to AAA batteries and USB-C cords.)

My small gear bag also has a small phone charger pack (mine is the CLUTCH credit card version, smallest I have found so far) and a small charger cord (I like the InStream smaller version without USB-C on both ends but there are a lot of good ones out there.) I also tucked in a few eyeglass towelettes for my glasses and screens.

I found a four-pack of small colorful aluminum tube-style whistles in AliExpress for just a couple bucks. They weigh nothing and take virtually no space (especially if you replace the somewhat oversized rings with small rings or a loop of cord) and are nice and LOUD. I put them everywhere and taught my kids the simple Whistle Code (easy to find online) for everyone's safety.

You touched on a lot of points I wish more people talked about- making it your own, the importance of how to pack it, etc. You mentioned restocking and my tip for that is to keep your trash. Whenever you use a consumable item, tuck the wrapper or packaging in a pocket or something to remind you to restock it as soon as you get home.

Sorry for the missive, and THANK YOU


Or if you don’t sell the pre made kits, would you make a printable list with links? You are brilliant!! And so organized!


I always enjoy seeing how my fellow women develop their EDC. I used to use a Maxpedition pouch for my EDC kit, but when I pulled it out I would get stares. I discovered a Purple Kipling Coin Pouch many years ago and shifted my gear into that and never looked back. I can put the case on a resturant table and no one looks twice at it. I don't carry as much as you, but I have the basics: knife, light, screwdriver, pen. I also carry a jeweler's loop, folding scisorrs, and a tape measure. We have the same flashlight, BTW. :)


I love this. You are my kind of people! I consistently get asked why I carry as much as I do, even get some chuckles from time to time. But I am never in need of things and I love that feeling. The other day my hubby needed a knife while we were out; gave him my multi tool. Was at a breakfast with girlfriends and they needed scissors, guess who could help. Today I was running late, but I had what I needed on me to do a semi decent makeup look. Area on my son’s shoe came apart, I had Krazy glue to fix it. I love being ready for anything!


Thank you for doing an update and showing how to pack it in a cosmetic pouch rather than an Altoids tin or a EDC pouch.
More women will appreciate this option.


Add a salt packet! Salt is good for so many things in emergencies 😊


I love how feminine and cute that bag is. It isn’t a tactical bag so it doesn’t look like an edc bag. But you get so much into your bags. Thank you for sharing this wonderful information


That has to be the cutest purse junk drawer I have ever seen. I need to make one up for myself. Yours is so complete, you have thought of everything. Love it❤️❤️


Hi! I really like your EDC. But for me:
- the plastic pouch are more bulky than a normal zipploc bag. And to do it more flat, because you don't use it all days. Take out the air and is more compact. And without the closure of the zipploc. (AverageZoeBlogs did something like that)
- the compass is more big that a typical button compass.
- for cordage, you can use dental floss. They can support like 4 kilograms.
- a little whistle it's very important too.
- if you like, add a square of tin foil.


Looks like my EDC. Everything is so well thought out, labeled and is packed perfectly! Excellent job my Virgo sister!


Love this!! I have been watching endless edc videos recently so your timing is so perfect!! 😊😄 I'm working on adjusting my edc setup that I keep in my car.. so much fun collecting and organizing everything! I love that you talked about arranging things inside the pouches.. 😅 It really does make all the difference! Lol. Definitely adding those clear reuseable pouches to my setups. Amazing content as always! Thanks! 💕👏


So happy to see EDC videos made by a woman!! Great kit!!


I keep: titanium toothpick, tiny eyeglass screwriver with reversible head, tiny tweezer, mini mirror, mini knife, mini folding scissors, fidget toy, small vial of hand soap, tiny vial of tea tree oil, hairties, safety pins, Listerine breath strips, tiny flint roller, nail clippers, disposable toothpicks( I really hate stuff in my teeth) alligator clips, caffeine pill and lactaid tablets, bullet space pen, mini bic lighter and an Emory board.


So awesome. Do u have link for mini flash light, couldn’t find one.


Great edc kit!!! One suggestion is putting expiration dates on the medicines, water purification tablets, and food items.


I always keep one in my purse or car. You just never know. I have kids also and like to be prepared. Thanks for sharing.


Great job getting this video up with everything going on!!! Kids sick 2nd week in a row. You sick on top of it all and right when you think it’s going better a whole bottle of water falls on your computer 💻. Way to figure it all out and still get the video up. ❤️


Love how much you can fit in that cute pouch!🥰 Love your videos!😘
