a very chatty and realistic few days in my life | xmas shopping, winter weather and lots of work!

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This video is sponsored by HelloFresh.


Twitter: @_evebennett
Instagram: @evebennettxx
TikTok: @evebennettxxx

✰ FAQ for you curious people ✰

How old are you? 22, my bday is Jan 11th
What did you study at uni? German and Spanish at the University of Oxford
How tall are you? 5“4 and a bit :)
Why do you say mom if you’re British? Everyone in my area grew up saying it that way :)

✰ Camera Equipment ✰

Editing Software: Final Cut Pro

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i am so so so grateful for you, yes you! right now! reading this! you are amazing! have a great day! :)
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Hi Eve. With not being veggie anymore, I fully respect that. I went vegan for a little bit of last year and it really bought back memories of restrictive eating so I stopped. I am mostly veggie, however if I go to a restaurant I will eat meat when I want to. I also don' t tell others when I go round their houses that I'm veggie so its not a faff for them. Last week I bought some chicken because I wanted to try a delicious risotto recipe my mum makes. Do whatever works best for you and don't let others opinions bother you at all.


You’re like my ultimate winter comfort YouTuber 🥰


*Who agrees that Eve is the best person to look up to when you are upset, not feeling the best, or overwhelmed? She's always so positive and comical, which always puts a smile on my face even if I'm not feeling the best :)) we love you Eve.


This is just my explanation of why I don't eat meat since you asked! I hope it doesn't come across as an attack :) Personally I haven't eaten meat (or used any animal product) for about a year. I went vegan after a friend of mine made me really take in how awful the meat and dairy industry are. I thought about how I wouldn't eat my cat or dog, so what made all these other sentient being different? They don't want to die and I don't value 5 minutes worth of sensory pleasure over their entire lives. I don't feel comfortable eating their corpses. Currently, being vegan is easier than it has ever been, and I'm not missing out on anything. I get to enjoy the things everyone else enjoys, without causing suffering to other beings. I don't see why I wouldn't want to do that, you know?


Love your vlogs, Eve! The meat question is super interesting, I'm very fortunate to be in a position, financially and health-wise, where I can be vegan. My partner's veganism introduced me to vegan cooking and eating a while before I actually went vegan. I learnt the ropes (how to shop, cook and eat) from him over time with no intention of going vegan myself (at the time I ate meat), but hearing him talk about the difference between the momentary pleasure of eating meat vs taking a life away was what swung it for me.
I still don't put pressure on myself to exclude animal products, so if I really craved meat I theoretically would eat it, but I've found that being aware of the reasons why I don't want to eat it without putting pressure on myself to exclude it means I have no desire to eat it or other animal products. Now I don't really think of meat/ animal products as food, and I have a repertoire of inexpensive and quick recipes built up (as well as extensive knowledge of which pot noodles are vegan!) so convenience doesn't have to mean meat.
Naturally, not everyone's in a position where they can do this, and it's important to stress that veganism isn't a judgment on people who aren't vegan, just a personal decision attempting to live according to my own morals and values. Being fortunate enough to have control over my diet without health implications, it's one of the choices I've made for animals, but also the planet and for myself.


The gnome looking Christmas decoration is called a gonk!


Really enjoyed this 🥰 keep going with your course you're killing it!!


I absolutely love your every day vlogs!! You are the best!!! Thanks for making my free time nicer <3 :) yours, Nicole!


Ooo I was thinking of getting a sunrise lamp - does it work for you ? Which one did you get?


You are definitly my comfort vlogger!! love watching your vlogs! <3 <3


Hey Eve! I stopped eating meat in 2020 during the first lockdown, I’d started slowly cutting it out of my diet slowly intentionally just because I preferred the way it tasted and made me feel. I then learned of the environmental factors that went into the production of meat and made a decision to fully cut it out my diet, since I was hardly eating it anyway! I’ve now been vegetarian for over 2 years, and even though I’ve struggled with disordered eating in the past, I’m lucky enough to say that I’ve never associated my vegetarianism with it. Whatever your situation, at the end of the day you’ve got to do what’s best for you and your body x


love your videos sm!! I start uni next year and you're a massive inspiration :)


I really fresh when I watch your video.


Hi Eve new to channel love you your vidoe my best friend Getman im beth im 24 from UK i was 2.5 when diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes . 4 ts raising awareness hope can be friends better future cure good bad days affect but dont let ruin stop acheiveing dream are you ready for xmas and done xmas shopping everything expensive ❄️🌲🧑‍🎄❤️🎄⛄️🎅🦌🤶☃️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿☃️☃️🤶


I love your daily life vlogs so much!! They are so cosy and watching them is one of my favorite passtimes on sundays. Also I have a musician as partner as well and also recently graduated, which is why I can really relate to your life situation right now ;). And lastly I love that you put your well-being first when it comes to eating (meat). As an eating disorder survivor I do the same and I know how important it is. (I am German, so sorry for any mistakes when it comes to my language).


Do you do teeline or Pitmans? I learned Pitmans, I didn't recognise any of your outlines! Funny story, many years ago I edited my secretary's letter in shorthand in error. She had also learned Pitmans many years ago and so was able to understand it! Not a skill I expected to see still used now.


Eve, is the Santa slay from flying Tiger? - Or somewhere else, would love to get one, love your channel also ❤x


Really enjoyed this🥰 thanks for sharing!


I try reduce meat consumption, and I’m pretty exclusive about meat I will eat (I hate lamb, I don’t like turkey or pork etc) so I’ll eat meat when I need the protein and iron or a treat (beef mince bolognaise, my mums roast dinner [with meat I will eat] or a sausage sandwich [different taste to straight pork]). I’ll prepare what I like with that in mind, and I could go vegetarian or vegan all day without realising. I get your restrictive behaviours as I used to do it. So I allow myself my favourite foods/what I want within reason


Yes I can’t eat fresh meat I can eat meat as long it’s been In the freezer for longer if that makes sense I’ve got IBS or irritable bowel syndrome I got it from a severe case of food poisoning unfortunately in July 2017 it’s been a huge challenge tbh.
