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This is the Avro Lancaster, most notably commissioned to the Royal Air Force (RAF Bomber Command) of England during the Second World War from 1942 to 1945. This is one of the most impressive aircraft of WWII. There are only two flight-capable Lancasters in the world: this unit named Vera, resides at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, a city along the western shore (Golden Horseshoe) of Lake Ontario between Toronto and Niagara Falls. Members of the public can book charter flights, which does a loop over the three cities mentioned above. The second flight-capable Lancaster, named BBMK, resides in England. The two planes were united in 2014 when VERA crossed the Atlantic for a dual flight at an airshow in England.
The Avro Lancaster is a 4-engine heavy bomber, the equivalent of the American Boeing B-17 Stratofortress. It holds twice the bomb capacity weight of the B-17. It carried and dropped the heaviest bombs of World War II, the 12,000 lb Tallboy and the Grand Slam Bomb, a.k.a. (Ten Tonne Tessy), weighing in at 22,000 lbs.
These bombs effectively caused earthquakes from the impact and were so heavy that they did not spin when dropped.

Notorious missions of the Lancaster during WWII are:

The Dambusters Raid - Barrel-shaped bombs invented by Barnes Wallis, were used by 617 Squadron to destroy German dams in the Ruhr valley industrial heartland of Germany. The bouncing bomb as they called it, was dropped at an extremely low altitude of 60 ft., pre-charged with a back spin enabling the bomb to hug tight to the dam face instead of bouncing off and away from it, after skipping along the surface of the water when dropped.
Dry Docks and U-Boat pens (St. Nazaire, France) - Grand Slam bombs were dropped on the 15 ft thick concrete structures of the dry docks and U-Boat pens used by the Nazis on the coast of France, forever cutting off this port region for use from German submarines and heavy battleships.
The Tirpitz Raid - The Tirpitz, one of Gemany's four heavy battleships, was targeted by Lancasters numerous times until success was had while hiding the ship hid in the fjords of Norway. 30 Tallboys were dropped and with three direct hits, one of them setting of the magazine under turret C, causing the 700 ton turret to rise up and land 75 yards away from the ship.
Carpet bombing of German cities - Under orders by Arthur "Bomber" Lancasters dropped incendiary and detonation bombs on German cities sucj as Dresden, Cologne and Hamburg in an attempt to break the morale of the German people. Bomber Harris promised and delivered 1000-bomber raids, B-17s by day and Lancasters by night, but the missions ended due to the controversy of bombing civilians.
Lancasters dropped Grand Slam bombs on Hitler's Eagle's Nest mountain retreat home in Obersalzburg, Bavaria

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Рекомендации по теме

First time hearing the start up. I was impressed by the Lancaster fly-over at the EAA show a few years back. Love those old WWII era planes!


Love the merlin engine sound, what a beautiful plane!!


Our grand parents had a lot of brass flying in these.. Extremely stupid simple compaired to what's flying today..
But both today's and yesterday's aircraft get the mission done..
