Trying to Feel When I Feel Nothing

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Kevin MacLeod - Improbable
Kevin MacLeod - Ambivalent
Lee Rosevere - Old Regrets
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not really sure how to put it into words, but i'm glad i found this video.


Yeah. This video is not only truthful, but extremely helpful. It isn't the surface-level positive advice that most people give, but instead a deeper truth that acknowledges the bad and teaches us how to live. So Mattias, thank you. You helped me climb out of a hole that I didn't fully even realize I was in, and with every watching of this video, I've found that I have felt better and better, and more and more like myself. More human, more feeling, and more like someone I am happy to be. I still have a long way to go, as I imagine we all do, but I am so grateful that you fearlessly posted this video, and made a difference in so many people's lives with your words and skills. I am so grateful that I found this. Thank you.


This is a better version of Inside Out.


When I finally broke away from my abusive home with my "dad" for a year, I couldn't feel shit. I could feel, but when it came to thinking about all the bad things that happened, I didn't cry, I understood how horrible it was, but it was hard to accept it. Hard to accept that I wasn't living there anymore. Hard to be happy. Eventually, I started feeling it, first as anger, then as sadness. A drowning sense of remorse. But I'm winning. I accept what happened and that it was terrible, and I don't care as much, I'm not as bitter, I care a lot but it's not as painful anymore. I realized that I didn't need to be afraid anymore.


I want to make a shirt that says “CONSUMING SUSTENANCE IS FOR IDIOTS”


This video was really interesting because I had this phase in my life when I was actually quite young, because I was in a state of just going to school, coming home, sitting around, sleeping and repeating it over and over. I had been bullied before for a while and was confused on what exactly I wanted to do in the future and was unsure. Because of the bullying I just tried to ignore and cancel it out. That's what my parents always told me to do, ignore it. So I did. But it just became worse where I not only ignored the bullying but I began to ignore any feeling. I stopped feeling happy, excited or driven about various things. I just did things because I either had to or to prevent myself being absolutely mind numbingly bored. I'd sit in the kitchen for hours combining drinks just to see what'd happen. I'd leave sweets and foods in various liquids and just watch them out of curiosity. I even sat and watched the black and white static on a screen for several hours once. During all of this I just didn't feel anything.
It was until I met somebody who felt different. She was completely different from anybody else I knew. She never judged me or looked down on me she was just nice. She genuinely wanted to know how I was, she cared and at first we just talked for maybe an hour at most, then over time it became several hours, until I wanted to spend the whole day with her because for the first time in years she actually made me FEEL something.
It felt almost like some kind of angel had came down from heaven and pulled me out of my pit back into the light. Because of her I started feeling happy again, I started taking notice of the world around me, I started doing things from interest and not just boredom. My work improved again, I reconnected with people I knew in person. So many things changed.
It's been almost 4 years since that happened and I'm still in touch with her, to this day I still occasionally thank her for what she did. Because if she didn't show up I still might be in the same state to this day and may have missed so many of the things I've experienced.


I was legitimately just scrolling through my subscriptions and feed to find anything to distract myself because of these exact reasons. Having too much time on your hands can cause this feeling too, the semester breaks can be rough


I think I’m one of the few people in my generation that has a true absence of apathy. It makes me really sad because everyone around me lacks so much empathy and it’s hard for me to understand why anyone would ever want to “not feel.” It’s incredibly difficult to make real friends with people who seem like they just don’t care or can’t find joy in anything. I even get made fun of a lot because I enjoy all of the little things so much. All I want to do is enjoy life together with other humans and be able to express and share my feelings with them be it good or bad because sometimes it’s just good to relate and have a real human connection.


That bruh moment where it hits too close to home...

I'm not crying, shut up.


This video makes me feel feelings I cannot explain


"Positive or negative it is suppressed."

🔵 I am in this photo and I don't like it


I have to come back and thank you for this. I just saw my past comment again, but uh... well, I'll say something again here and now.

I have to thank you for this video, because I found it when I was in the pits of my depression. It wasn't wild and dark and edgy like some stories or movies depict, but like this: like an emptiness that pervades you, until you can't see what's up and down, and you feel like you're left without a guide, directionless, because you don't /want/ for anything, or feel anything in particular. I didn't understand it at all. After watching this, this idea, of emotions being like guides in life, it touched me and ended up becoming one of my core guides and beliefs when building myself back up to myself. It was by no means the only thing, but, it was maybe like the keystone arch that got me rolling on the right path with the right idea in mind. Now I'm definitely happier and have more guides and emotions. I almost even know where I'm going to go in life! and haha, that's quite a good thing. So thank you again for this; I saw this in the thumbnail today after watching some of your other videos and was touched, and wanted to see it again to see how far I've come compared to my past self. I'm happy to say that now things are good. So thanks again. :)


this is so important, yet so hard to understand. its a complex and abstract topic, but im glad you tried to put it like this, great video


I've been struggling a lot with this over the past year. Every time I made progress, I would get overwhelmed the instant I stopped feeling any strong emotion that I would revert back to being totally depressed. It wasn't a miracle solution, but I embraced that fear, let myself experience it fully, let myself run back to bed at 2 in the afternoon to weep into my pillow or throw something around or punch something that I knew wouldn't cause serious damage. Instead of giving in to the fear, I started actually feeling better and began to feel at peace when I was merely content.


I’m not apathic, I just have learned to contain my emotions by people teaching me to “always smile and be happy”, if you defend yourself all you will get in return will be the same or the double of the punishment they recieve, crying doesn’t help anything and feeling sad or angry isn’t allowed.
So I suppress them, I still feel them until everything ends up into a big ball of negative feelings and I end up crying like a fountain for nothing.
People usually tell me what to be, but they can’t never decide, you should be more passive, you should be more aggressive, you are to crazy, you are boring, you are weird, you are bland.
I really love hearing people talking about their feelings, things that happened to them, but I just decide to hide myself, telling them small fragments of unimportant things, because when I tell them they start crying or use it to make me cry.


thank you for the personal attack

honestly thank you though, this is a feeling that ive been unable to put into words before.


One of my favorite lyrics goes, "life's gonna hurt but it's meant to be felt"


While not absolute apathy, I was doing the same stuff. Scrolling through videos, putting them in specific playlists to watch later then scrolling more, just trying to slack off from everything whether that's good or bad or my Todo list.

I acknowledge that I try so much to moderate myself instead of actually living the moments, it's a hard habit to get rid off but I will, slowly.

Thanks for the reminder, I still have about 10 hours in my day left, I'll make sure not to slack off


I don't know why but... This is exactly what I needed right now. I've been having a hard time at school because of quarantine and my parents and just the fact that I'm a very procrastinator kind of person. but I just recently had a mental breakdown while watching the video and this is literally exactly what I needed. Gave me hope that my mental breakdowns panic attacks and crying and sadness and everything wasn't going to be permanent and that I was doing it for a reason and that I shouldn't give up just because I probably wasn't going to college because of the horrible grades I have. Thanks dude I owe you a million


I am unable to express how much support your videos gave me. All I can say is: Thank you.
