WHICH Breed Of Honey Bee Should I Get?! Beekeeping 101 #beekeeping

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To continue on with my beginner beekeeping I'm chatting about what is the best breeds of honey bees from my own experience. There are so many options to chose from when you first start beekeeping so hopefully this can help you chose what options will be best for you. If you have any questions at all please free to drop them in the comments! If I get enough questions then I will do a beginner beekeeping Q & A! Thank you so much for being here my fellow beek family :)
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My most recent blog post Beekeeping Conspiracies?? vvv
The Honey Cast...
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For more information on the class go to the link below!
For 10% off on all Hive Alive products use code Emily10
My most recent blog post Beekeeping Conspiracies?? vvv
The Honey Cast...
beekeeping, beekeepers, best honey bees, Michigan beekeepers, beekeeping in a northern climate, overwintering bee hives, overwintering beehives in a northern climate, nucleus colony, package of bees, 10 frame deep, how to start beekeeping, beginner beekeeping, varroa mites, how to, honeycomb, day in the life of a beekeeper, equalizing, entrance reducer, robbing screen, breeding queens, breeding program, survival stock, treatment free, brood breaks, frugality test, wintering bees in a cold climate, over wintering nucleus colonies, 5 over 5 nucs, brood nest, cluster size, varroa mites, pollination hives, pumpkin pollination, Michigan queens, Michigan queen breeders, frame feeders, sugar water, sugar water ratio, fall feeding, preparing for winter, motivational, beekeeper problems, beefit beekeeping, how to become a successful beekeeper, reasons not to be a beekeeper, should I be a beekeeper, should I quit beekeeping, getting ready for spring beekeeping, my bees died.