Do our prayers change the mind of God?

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Wretched TV + Radio is hosted by Todd Friel. On the show, you will see and hear live witnessing encounters, discussions of tough theological issues, and Christian commentary on current events. We might even make you laugh.




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Todd Friel is a Calvinist and as such he is a Block Head Theologian and furthermore a Cone Head Philosopher in that he holds that the God of the Bible does NOT live in Reality but exist in some Atemporal Space...Of coarse our Prayers affect God and change or move His Hand in Reality which is taking place one moment at a time...God Lives in Reality just like we do but as God...The Problem Christians like Todd are having is that they have bought into a Counterfactual understanding of Reality as it relates to Time...God Cannot do certain things and is only limited by the Perfection of His own Perfection...God cannot change the Past because it longer Exists in the Present. And God only Exists in the Present because He is Ultimate Reality. If God is going to answer Prayer it is always in the Present and NOT the Future because the Future has NOT happened yet...The Future is Open to some extent and NOT Exhaustively Known to God...Yes God knows the End from the Beginning but God only knows as Future Facts those things He Himself is going to for sure bring about...Bad Theology and Cone Head Metaphysics causes a host of problems...Calvinism is Bad Theology...And God is a Real Living God that Answers Prayer...God changes His Mind and Moves His Hand in Reality when we Pray..."You have Not because you ask Not." God is Listens to His People...The Future is Open...
