Common Sense VS Intelligence... (What Is More Important To Be Successful?)

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Common sense vs intelligence. Which one is more important?
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What do you think is more important? Common sense or Intelligence? We need intelligence, but we need common sense as well. We need to work on our mindset. This life is so valuable, we need to stop saying "I'll do it tomorrow". Rather just do it today. Comment below...'

Speakers: Mat Wilson

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Edited By: @billyBonesProductions
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What do you say is more important? Being book smart or street smart?


Sometimes, being too focused on academics and being an “ intelligent” person can bypass common sense


Would you consider learning psychology book smart or street smart? It can be book smart based off the things you study but it can also be street smart from understanding the minds of those around you


Using common sense XD we can reach to the conclusion that the title of the video is wrong

Common sense ≠ Street Smart
Intelligent ≠ Book Smart

Common sense = The basic group of instincts that allows you to recognize, forms, match colors, to jump when there is a cliff, to recognize that if you fall from a high place you will broke an arm or even die, that is common sense, sort of basic survival instincts we gather as childs

Street Smart = Would be all the information and knowledge that we gather from our environment to thrive and survive in the streets, this are more like the tricks of and old fox, social abilities, communication skills, to be street smart differs a lot from people to people, because being street smart in a first world country is not enough to thrive in some places of a third world country or even in some chaotic countries, that I will definitely not put in here

Intelligent = This are the knowledge you create taking as a foundation all your previous knowledge, when you gather from thinking, having experiences, reading and analyzing, when you even get philosophical and every knowledge you gain because you reach to it

Book smart = Easy, all the knowledge someone gather from books, school, institutes, college, magazines, videogames, movies, internet, etc


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