Refuting the Irrefutable Proof of God - Part XIV

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Such bold claims from this mega cult leader! I took the bait and had to dispute refute and absolutely disprove his allegedly indisputable irrefutable absolute proof of God.
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I like that the best Pack can do is argue for a deist god. There isn't anything in his argument that points to Jehovah.


I love how theists just love to bust out these tiny probabilities. However small the probability of life is, a magic humanoid poofing things into existence is even less likely. Why is that so hard to understand?


I am impressed with your patience and perseverance. Had I run across this "irrefutable proof of God" I would have just said, "You are completely full of shit." And left it at that.


"If this is the best you got, why keep trying?" is the best line of this episode.


And now, back to an



Great as always! Seems like you have one of the few atheist channels that actually still talks about religion on youtube.


I'm not terribly bright and even I see the flaws in every argument (or attempted argument) made here.

1. Nothing preceded the big bang, because time began at the big bang. Time is matter's motion through space. Space is the relative distance between matter. If all the matter (or energy, as it was) is condensed into a single point, there is no space between it. If there is no space between matter, there is no time. How can anything be before anything else, if there is no time in which to be earlier or later than something else?

2. The universe is fine tuned for life? Yeah, ok. Sure. Go ahead and fly in any direction off this one, tiny speck of dust. Let us know how that works out for you. It's fine tuned for life, so you should have no problem out there! Better yet, literally start walking in any direction. You'll be (You won't. You'll be eaten, or you'll drown, or you'll dehydrate, or you'll get sun stroke, or you'll ...)

3. What is the source of the universe? Begging the question. Why should we expect the universe to have a source? The only answer I've ever received to this question is: "It can't just *be* (but my god can). It has to have a cause (but my god doesn't)!" But why? What about the universe itself requires it be caused? Because things in the universe have cause? That's faulty for two major reasons:

- No evidence is given as to why the universe must play by the same rules as that which exists within it. Does the Pac-Man machine have multiple lives, and is it hunted by ghosts because Pac-Man is? If the Pac-Man machine is exempt from the rules within the Pac-Man machine, could not the universe be exempt from the rules within the universe?

- Cause only seems to go so far before you're simply making a circular argument. Why did the apple fall? Gravity. Why does gravity do what gravity does? ... You see, if your argument is that things must have causes because everything has a cause, and it turns out that it's not evident that everything has a cause, you cannot then assert that there is an unseen cause that is god, and you definitely can't point to that unseen cause that is god and claim that is evidence that everything has a cause and thus god exists and is the cause.

God exists because everything has a cause (except god):
A. Apples fall because of gravity
B. Gravity causes the apple to fall because god
C. Thus, everything has a cause
D. Thus god exists

*No!* That is circular. I shouldn't need to point this out.

Moreover, why can a deity be uncaused and not a universe? No one seems able to answer that one.

4. Why did the events needed for us to exist occur? Why not? Seriously. Why not?

If they hadn't, we wouldn't be here to ask that question, so the question tells us nothing. If something else had happened, that which originated from those events would be asking the same question. Who would be right then? The solution is simple: you don't start from a conclusion and work backwards. Upon seeing a puddle sitting perfectly in a pothole, do you assume the pothole was made for that water? Or do you think perhaps the water filled the hole because it was there, and wouldn't have if it wasn't?


"If this is the best you can do, why keep trying?" Well said, the Ra Man. Loving that quote for so many reasons.


Wow! To name your book 'What Science Will Never Discover About [fill in the blank]' could possibly be the most arrogant thing one could ever do.


11:38 "the origins of life and the universe are not in the least understood by science"
11:49 > spends a full minute demonstrating that science understands the origins of life and the universe pretty fucking well

Do you roll regular paper or bible pages when you get lit, David D. Bag?


Don't you just love how these guys are perfectly willing to quote Time Magazine as evidence, but seem to have a problem when people quote legitimate science?


The fundamental idea that if there is something science can't explain (and there is plenty) then the claim that the answer is god and that this answer should be accepted without testing that claim is utterly ridiculous.


Creationists really don't seem to have much of a concept of the universe outside of the Earth. On another point, raccoons are getting noticeably smarter as they come into contact with man-made environments, so they might be able to catch up to us in the distant future.


The ministry of the Armstrong faith needs to learn how to treat people with kindness, dignity & respect.


Theists always say "how can anything come from nothing" but isn't that exactly what their "god" is supposed to have done? He supposedly proofed the universe into existence with a few words. Absolutely insane!


"Why keep trying?" Because it pays well.


How much do I admire Aron Ra, from his ability to speak and connect ideas together, to the ability to even understand the themes he talks about. I am just trying to keep up. Again You are the best #AronRa


"Do you realize that if raccoons had the intellectual capacity of dolphins that they could be our equals now?"

Rocket nods his head in disapproval, complaining that he ain't no equal to no human.


A flame consumes organic material and oxygen and expels carbon dioxide. It self-replicates and adapts to its fuel source just like a living thing, yet a flame is just a simple chemical reaction.
Why is it so hard for creationists to acknowledge that the first self-replicating molecules would have been powered by such a reaction?


You know, one could go through every one of that guy's videos and change every deity reference from God to Zeus, and the essential meaning (and lack of validity) would not change at all.
