'Who hurt her?': James O'Brien blasts Home Secretary Suella Braverman 'dreaming of deportations'

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James O'Brien has taken aim at Home Secretary Suella Braverman. This clip is from a LBC show which was presented by James O'Brien on October 5th 2022.

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We all remember Suella Braverman from school. The person who hangs around with the bully for fear of being bullied themselves. The person who doubles-down on the bullying to show that they can be just as bad as the head-bully. I'm sure she and/or her parents experienced racism in some form in the past. She doubles-down and in her own twisted way tries to insulate herself from this by attempting to prove that she is more English than the English themselves.


I will play my own small part in realising Dr King's dream and judge Braverman not by the colour of her skin but by the content of her character.


I feel sorry for the woman. She doesn't realise that the same people she is trying to cosy up to are the same people who would spit on her in the street.


She actually doubles down and says it's "my obsession" and we thought PP was bad. Can't believe we've stooped so low as to obsess on other's misery. Love how James critiqued it though!!


The mixture of cruelty, ambition and extreme arrogance she demonstrates is probably the textbook definition of sociopathy


It is the apparent joy that Braverman takes in the idea of shipping out innocent (not proven guilty) people is truly disgusting and frightening.


Braverman is a truly awful person and we should all be very worried about her kind and the position of power they hold. Her parents must be so ashamed.


The UK is lucky to have you James speaking truth to power & calling out all these absolutely insane people, who shouldn't be anywhere near power.


As a German (who knows "his" history) it seems extremely worrying to me when a high-ranking politician wishes for "deportations" or wants to carry them out emphatically :(


Excellent! A clearly heartfelt and very touching summary from James. 👏
I am the son of two immigrants to this country in the 1950s. A Nigerian father, who came to better himself through education and German mother, who came to escape the postwar hardship and shortage that she had known since birth.
Sure, there was a lot of racism and I grew up with it. But, ultimately Britain has changed a lot along the way, improved and I genuinely believe in the fundamental decency of the majority of British people today.
I am sorry but it needs to be said...and perhaps is best said by someone like me, a non-white British son of immigrants (and thus matching her background. Look it up if you're not aware of her background): I am not just totally at loss as to explain her mentality but also ashamed and completely disgusted by her.


We have reached a new low in our country if this is the type of person in positions of power and responsibility.


I’m so pleased to hear James saying this. I was sickened by this awful woman saying that her dream was to see a plane forcibly taking people Rwanda but seem to have seen very little criticising her. This government is beyond revolting


Unfortunately Suella has been my local MP for far to long, voted against her to no avail. She's a professional liar and deluded person.


Tory support has fallen so far this is the base that's left. Horrible isn't it.


What a disgusting and despicable individual. HOW have we sunk so low as to have THIS as our Home Secretary. I hear you James, this is inhuman behaviour. It's hard to even get your head around how a supposed Christian can think in this way. It doesn't matter about your religion or lack of it, just a shred of common decency and empathy will do.


The word to describe that woman and her dream is: despricable. Deplorable. Remember, the gas chambers didn't happen suddenly, or overnight, it was a gradual process of nastiness, becoming ever more horrific.


I always had a dreadful opinion of Suella Braverman, unfortunaiely she appears to be even worse than I thought. I guess Tory policy is just about cruelty and no more!


Just looking at her and watching her talk makes my skin crawl... she seems the kind of person that would climb up a ladder to get to the rescue and to then damage it so that others can't follow her to share the cake on the safe side ( like Patel, but she does not even care to hide it )....VILE! Please make sure she is on the first flight!!!


How dreadful that another person's pain would constitute anyone's "dream". Braverman is literally the polar opposite of Martin Luther King.


One of many truly awful human beings in this government.
